Sunday, February 25, 2018

Cosplay: Japan LovEvolution Vol. 3 - Haruka ni Yoi - Full Japan Day 2018


Know what? I love being sent to events or conventions that are around the place where my friend lives. They might be small or in odd places, but if they're popular enough, they might just come back the next year, and again and again. The one I was sent to today is one of those, and this year is the third time for it. I should be glad, and the people who make it happen should too.

As my friend wrote last year in his review, the event is part of the celebration for a group of students; what my friend forgot to write is that since it's in February, it's also a celebration of love, and that's why the name is what it is. But this year, they've also combined it with a community celebration, which was actually its own event some time ago, my friend tells me. So this is pretty much a double event, kind of like last week. I'm still excited - I like the idea of evolving love, and my friend likes the idea of a "Full Japan Day". It's fun for the both of us.

For this one, I came with something special: my outfit is my Kanto outfit, but not my usual one. I wore the outfit that I wear in a very special adventure that appeared a few months ago. My friend even gave a preview a few days back with my cap - I can't blame him, since it is special for us. We also agreed that we should replace the shoes that I wear most often, so this event is also to test that. We got the new shoes just the day before, and it seems pretty good. It's amazing how we're sometimes lucky to get the stuff we need to send myself to the event.

Today I was in the character parade, which was also the only competition. My friend and I had been making sure that I get to get in and do my stuff. But then at the event, the people sent me back and forth, and my time on stage got cut short due to an announcement! Strange things seem to happen. I was one of the 17 characters in the parade, and there were three winners. Sadly, I was not one of them - aw well. I did talk with one of the other characters, who also didn't win, yet I still got winning tips to think about. And I think I may know what to do next.

Pikachu: Pikachu! [cheering]

Of course, Pikachu. You'll help too for that. But I can't say anything more now - you'll have to wait.

When I was here last year, the goodies market had just enough things for everyone, including me. This year was pretty much the same. What was not the same was the place, since it moved a few blocks from the original spot. Honestly, it wasn't too different, and even the new spot was just about as big. I like the performers, even if not much was also really different. But my friend tells me that's the center point of the community celebration, so I guess it's special.

Well, it's mostly special anyhow. I did get a few things for my friend to enjoy, and it's always great to talk to other characters and visitors. Let's hope for a good one at the next big one!


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