Thursday, April 19, 2018

Cracking the Case

Ever since an early age, I love a good mystery adventure, where cases are explored and cracked. I've read a good number of mystery-adventure books, comics, and novels in the past, though I haven't done so in more recent times; automatically, I also like movies, shows, and games of this nature. This precedent sets me up to like the latest Pokémon offering on the 3DS, which would be the game Detective Pikachu. I've already downloaded the Special Demo Version and played as much as I can play through it, and I can say right off the bat that this one is going to be really great.

Actually, my experience with this goes a few years back. At that time, a friend who also liked to play Pokémon games, demonstrated what is the Japanese version of the game, and mentioned how it's not available outside of Japan yet. From back then, I also recalled that there was also a petition to ask for the game to be localized outside of Japan. It seems that petition was answered, and the game as it stands today is now available for U.S. and European audiences as well.

Meanwhile, I personally have been queried if I have played the full game, and to that, I've responded that I only have the demo. One of my other friends have the full game, and he has finished it, in fact. When I asked my friend on thoughts about the game, the response was "excellent"; that friend of mine doesn't really play any Pokémon games other than this one, and yet my friend made it all the way through to the end, and that is saying something. As for the other friend I mentioned above, I'm not certain if playing the game will be in order, but the last time I queried, there seems to still be some interest in playing.

By all accounts, this is indeed a really great game. It suits my interest in these kinds of things, and it has even enchanted those not really into Pokémon to play. That it was asked for a broader release is a good thing too, because it means those who asked agree that it is as such. And now that I've played partway through the story with the demo version, I'm compelled to agree. I can't wait to get my hands on the full version and start cracking even more cases with a Pokémon twist.

One year ago: Oddest Things with Pikachu

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