Monday, April 9, 2018

Ex-Raids and Cancellations

Something that Pokémon Go players may or may not know is that Ex-Raids can be and have been canceled for one reason or another. It seems it might be natural; if something happens around Gyms available for Ex-Raids, whether expected or unexpected, it can become force majeure for the cancellation of one should one occur. I (and some of my raid group members) got to think about this when every event seemed to stack up on the day of the scheduled Ex-Raid yesterday, which did happen.

It's not hard to think about what circumstances might trigger the cancellation of an Ex-Raid. For example, last month there was a celebration in another area... only it wasn't really a celebration as much as it is a remembrance. Regardless, the nature of it was such that an Ex-Raid wouldn't have been possible (and would most likely conflict) anyway, and it was reported that the Ex-Raid scheduled for that day got canceled. It seems that this is a good thing.

As for what it takes to cancel an Ex-Raid, that's another thing altogether. In the case of yesterday's Ex-Raid, it might have been possible to cancel the Ex-Raid if enough players agreed, one or many players wrote to request cancellation, and enough strong proof was provided. However, as far as I can tell, there wasn't enough interest in doing so, no one wrote in, and the proof probably wasn't strong enough anyway; on the day of the Ex-Raid, it turned out that the area was accessible enough for the Ex-Raid to occur, and by then things had practically normalized and was like any other day when an Ex-Raid happened. So this is a good thing too.

The compensation for a cancelled Ex-Raid is Stardust and some Premium Raid Passes, which is pretty good when things are bad and pretty bad when things are good. The fact remains that it is possible that an Ex-Raid might get cancelled if the conditions make it near impossible to hold one. It's probably something that players don't wish to happen unless they will it to happen, but in most cases it is something that hopefully does not happen.

In the meantime, I wish others (and myself) successful with future Ex-Raids without a hitch such as this one.

One year ago: The (Current) Fate of the Megas

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