Saturday, April 28, 2018

Other Pokémon Competitions

I'm no stranger to competitions, in particular if they involve Pokémon. If you've been reading this blog, you'll know that I participate in VGC tournaments, albeit performing very poorly. I also participate in cosplay competitions with my Pokémon costumes in tow, though I also have not won much in this area. These are great competitions to be sure, but I'm also thinking of other competitions which involve Pokémon - or at the least allows me to incorporate Pokémon in them - as well as my chances of participation in them.

Recently, there was a local Pokémon art competition open to whoever could make great Pokémon art, whether digital or physical. I didn't partake in this one; even with what I've learned through Pokémon Art Academy, my skills aren't really up to snuff. And even if they were, I couldn't come up with a great idea given the circumstances at that time. Yet with this, there's at least some recognition that Pokémon makes great competition fodder in different ways. I'd like to see similar competitions for different fields, including ones which I can stand to participate in (like writing); it would be excellent to participate in them and try to get good results.

Even if a competition doesn't explicitly involve Pokémon, unless the competition explicitly involves specific other things, it may be possible to include Pokémon in participation. I had plans earlier for entry into a competition that could be made to involve Pokémon, but alas, this plan fizzled before it could become realized. One reason is that I needed to prioritize for a different competition (which will become apparent soon enough) and another is that it simply just wasn't possible to enter given the situation. The possibilities here are numerous, though it does seem that the involvement of Pokémon may also necessitate involvement of other pop-culture things. For me, my pop culture is Pokémon, so if it can be included, then it would make me happy.

For many people, Pokémon does invoke games; this is of course a natural thing given how Pokémon started life. Competition with the games is the norm, one that is standardized no less. Yet it may just be possible to have other competitions and have them involve Pokémon, whether specifically oriented to Pokémon or to pop culture in general. I'm quite expectant of them being realized, and I already have some plans for them should they become realized. They would certainly get my competitive juices flowing even further.

One year ago: Pokémon Floor Mat

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