Saturday, July 7, 2018

...However Things Turn Out

Pokémon is quite appealing for me, to be sure. It's something I'm involved with, day in and day out. However, sometimes things don't turn out as well as they should, and I end up in a less-than-perfect position. But I assuredly will still be in a position to enjoy Pokémon no matter what happens, because of my attraction to it. This is the case with a couple of things that took place today.

This weekend is actually the big conclusion to the local series of VGC tournaments, of which the previous online tournaments are a part of. Of course, the big conclusion shouldn't be online, so it has to be a live one where people actually meet. And it is, but it also has to take place in a major setting in a major city, to which I can't really go - or rather, I just went to for a different big outing, and I've returned since then. It would be prohibitive to go back, and in fact, things were generally that way: I had sudden business to attend to, which in effect prevented travel or any useful effort to prepare for the tournament. Unlike last year, there wasn't really a way for me to personally contribute financially, so the only thing I could do is to participate, if at all able, and I wasn't. I'm bummed that I can't, but things are the way they are. VGC remains of some interest to me as a key part of Pokémon, and I may see this fulfilled later.

Luckily, Pokémon Go was able to fill the void today with an unusual case of a raid marathon that lasted for three hours. There had been much speculation beforehand on how things would go, but all speculation was eliminated once the unusual case revealed itself. On the whole, the raids themselves were quite successful, but they did overload my item storage and took out a good chunk of my reserved Premium Raid Passes. Moreover, the raids allowed the possibility of a Shiny form to be captured, and although I did capture one, it wasn't high enough - even, low enough - to win a contest of my local raid group. This too is disappointing, but it can't be helped either. Go remains a dynamic and sociable Pokémon game, and I did enjoy some of those today.

The turn of events I had today may have not had appealing results, but at least they have not done much to decrease my appeal for Pokémon. Perhaps the appeal I'm looking for isn't found here, but elsewhere. Things may have turned out the way they did today, but I can't say the same for the next. What I can say that is the same is that I'll still be attracted to Pokémon for a considerable time, however things turn out.

One year ago: Shiny Stories

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