Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Pokémon Yellow Pikachu Shirt

One of the things I got from the big event of two days ago is a particularly attractive Pokémon shirt. I already have some Pokémon shirts, as if I need more. But in all honesty, this shirt is attractive because it looks quite aggressive. It so happens that at the stand where this shirt was sold, there was a photo of a girl promoting this same exact shirt, yet I was taken not because of the girl, but very much because of the shirt. It was also lucky that the shirt was being offered for sale, which became the initiative to grab one.

The aggressive design comes from the art used for the shirt. The art features Pikachu with Ash's cap from the Kanto saga (thus, Original Cap Pikachu) as well as a Poké Ball set against a brick wall pattern. Above this image is the international Pokémon logo, and below are tidbits about Pikachu, including the name in both Roman and Japanese script, and species-specific details. What makes this striking is that except for Pikachu, its cap, and the Poké Ball, everything else is in pure black and white - or rather, yellow, as the whitespace is colored yellow. The colors and design are thus particularly aggressive.

Apart from that, this shirt is pretty much standard. There's not really much that I don't like about the shirt, and in fact, I like it more and more as I keep looking at it. I can foresee wearing this shirt for any occasion that involves Pokémon, including playing Go; it should be noted that the Go emblem is not present on the shirt, which makes it attractive universally. The shirt even comes with care instructions, so now I know how I can preserve this shirt for as long as possible as I wear it.

Overall, I'm not too disappointed that I dropped some money to purchase this shirt. I am in fact very happy that this was the case, because now I have another option for Pokémon wardrobe when I want to make it fit the occasion. The design is distinctively wild, but it's also quite attractive, regardless of how it was promoted. It makes for a great memento of the previous event and a particularly expressive way of stating that I'm a fan of Pokémon - an intense one, at that.

One year ago: Spicy Tamato

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