Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Currencies of Magikarp Jump

Many mobile or mobile-like games (like Pokémon Shuffle) feature in-game currencies of some sort, which players can accrue in order to spend for useful items and power-ups in the game. The same is true of the game Magikarp Jump, which I've found to be particularly addictive. It too has its own currency system for items and power-ups - two of them, in fact. The two have their own intricacies over the course of the game's progression.

The first of these two systems are Coins, which are purely obtained in-game as a result of progression. Notably, these are obtained after league battles, as level-up bonuses, and from certain random events. Coins that are accumulated can be used to purchase (or rather, unlock) new Berries and treats as well as training regimens, which are themselves made available after reaching certain Trainer Ranks. After they are purchased, they can then be upgraded by spending more Coins, making their effects more significant. These purchases are useful and border on necessary for swifter progress later on.

The second of these two systems are Diamonds, which can be obtained in-game by progression or by spending real money through the game's shop. Although opportunities for the former do exist, they can be few and far between, and may not reward much, which then leaves the latter as an option. And yet, spending of real money for Diamonds is also limited: the game no longer allows it after reaching 5000 purchased Diamonds, leaving the rest to be obtained through progression. Diamonds, meanwhile, are used to purchase friendship items (which then attract assist Pokémon), decorations, and other helpful items (including Coins), or to pay a "retry fee" to fish for another Magikarp while obtaining a new one. Their paucity and necessity makes careful spending a must.

Although not really considered "currencies", there are two items that almost act like one. One of them, Support Candies, which are earned through item upgrades and progression, may be used to upgrade Pokémon skills. The other is Exchange Tickets, which are only obtained through purchase of Diamonds at a 1:1 rate; these are used to get bonus items and Coins, as well as to unlock the Diamond Miner feature, which allows to get 100 Diamonds a day. They are otherwise items to be used.

Any player that wishes to get ahead in Magikarp Jump has to take advantage of these two currency systems, managing them well in the process to ensure that the greatest possible benefits are obtained. Depending on their willingness and cash reserves, a player may also spend to obtain helpful advancements through the two systems. In either case, players are guaranteed some fishy times while making progress through the challenges of the game.

One year ago: My Trusty NDS and Pokémon Games

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