Tuesday, July 31, 2018

To Watch a Movie

It is pleasing to watch movies, and for a Pokémon fan, it is pleasing to watch Pokémon movies (that is, the feature films). And yet, there are quirks for any fan wishing to do so. The quirks are in turn affected by location and preferences, especially of other dominant fans. It's something I've certainly had to deal with in all my years of having watched them.

Back when I was in the United States, I was lucky that the first five Pokémon movies were shown in theaters, but I only watched the second and third one. For the first and fourth ones, I "missed the boat", and for the fifth one - to extend the idiom as a metaphor - "the boat never came". Even so, I was happy that I could watch them (at least eventually) and in a language I can naturally understand, which would be English for this case. Even with most subsequent releases directly on home media, it's still great that many fans are facilitated to do so.

Now that I'm in Indonesia, things are seemingly less great. I'm aware that many of the feature films have been shown televised (in Indonesian) and accessible to many, including children as the intended target, and at least that's a good thing for those who manage to watch them. As for theatrical releases, the one for last year's film was great thanks to its promotion and spread, but the previous ones seem spotty or unpromoted; even I only discovered them after a friend mentioned about them. Things seem to be up and down.

It would be great to watch them in Japan in theaters as they are released, especially if for those who happen to be there at the right time. The chance to obtain a bonus Pokémon for the games in some cases is pretty nifty too. But since it's Japan, Japanese language skills are certainly in order for the full experience, and this might not be desirable for those who are lacking (comprehensive) knowledge of it. This too has its upsides and downsides, yet they also may depend on the person.

It seems Pokémon fans anywhere may have to deal with certain quirks before they get to watch the movies they so enjoy, at least if what I experienced is of any indication. Still, for any fan, any and all the movies are great, no matter where they are. There may be some worth getting past the quirks to watch one, but at least the movies remain to please once they get to be watched.

One year ago: Like a Fierce Double Battle

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