Monday, March 16, 2020

Brushing Up on Pokémon Mythology

Two months ago, I wrote up a post about reading the lore connected to all things Pokémon. Now I would like to discuss about mythology related to Pokémon, specifically about knowing them. It could be considered an offshoot of that topic since it involves much of the same points, but at the same time, there are a few different things that are involved, so it becomes worthwhile to discuss it in a separate post.

I actually thought up of this topic while talking with a friend about the characteristics of a certain Pokémon. It's not a Mythical Pokémon as the topic of this post would suggest, but it's also one that may have a rich backstory and mythology behind it. This indicates that many species or even species families of Pokémon can and do have their associated backstories and mythologies, even those that don't bear the tags of "Legendary" or "Mythical". Even so, it's something that remains to be fleshed out.

That said, there are hundreds and hundreds of Pokémon out there, and it's impossible for me to list all their mythologies in a post that's not even designed to contain them all. I can't even contain them all in my feeble mind even if I wanted to. But most if not all them remain fascinating in order for one to relate to them, and they're something that should be rightly known by many who know about Pokémon. In that sense, a popular adage becomes very true: "knowing is half the battle" - appropriately enough for Pokémon.

What I've explained in the other post remains true as well. The mythology as part of the lore becomes important to know about in some way, whether through short descriptions or longer collections of them. It becomes the way for getting to know the species, even more so if the mythology is quite significantly related to the Pokémon world (the second feature film or movie comes to mind) or is otherwise highly linked to what exists in the real world. These further linkages become shaped through knowing about them.

The variety of Pokémon species out there comes out to a mind-boggling number. With that mind-boggling number, there is also the sense that there may be a great deal of things about them that are mind-boggling about them, not the least of which is their mythology as part of their role. Still, I'm sure for fans like me, there's nothing like brushing up on that knowledge so that it is less mind-boggling and the fascination for them and Pokémon as a whole remains.

One year ago: Cosplay: Neko-Neko
Two years ago: Our Glory of Love
Three years ago: Multilingual Pokémon

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