Saturday, March 16, 2019

Cosplay: Neko-Neko

Me: Um, OK. There are actually two theme events this weekend, but I can only send you to one of them. I hope that's OK with you.

Ash: Sure. I know you've got a lot to do, and I do too, in a way.

Pikachu: Pika! [with pep]

Me: Yeah, that's always the hard thing when that happens. So, this theme event is a community event by a faraway community, and the theme is "futuristic space cats", and of course Japanese stuff. It's rather odd, but it's well-meant. And that's why the title of the event is what it is.

Ash: I think I get your point. I've seen some pretty strange things on my journey, and this could be another one.

Pikachu: Pi! Pi pika pi! [concurring]

Me: So, the "pick one" thing is one reason. Another reason why I sent you here is because the competitions are still open. You know what you're in for, right?

Ash: Right! I'm in for the singing competition and character parade. You told me you really want to send me in for the first one, and here's a good chance. And you decided on the first opening song from Sinnoh for me, so that meant my outfit for that as well.

Me: Indeed. I'd like to try this one again, because last time, we got a good reception, but we didn't win. Plus, I'm kind of in a pinch. So let's try this one again before we try something else. How'd you do?

Ash: I got nothing, and I think I messed up a bit in both. That's the story.

Me: Hmm. Somehow something is not working out. We ought to just try something different next time.

Ash: Sounds like a good plan.

Pikachu: Pi! [excited]

Me: I agree. Now, the third reason I sent you in is to get me in touch with a special person. Did you?

Ash: I sure did!

Pikachu: Pika! [happy]

Me: Great! She informed me that she would come, and she did. It's good that you got me in touch with her.

Ash: By the way, she did something really special: she voiced me in the dubbing competition!

Me: Wait, what?? That IS special! How'd she do?

Ash: She won! Can you believe it?

Me: That's unbelievably impressive! It's good to know that she won. Anyway, I guess that's that about this event.

Ash: It wasn't all bad. You did what you needed to do, and that's great, even if we didn't win.

Pikachu: Pika. Pika pika. [complimenting]

Me: Agreed. There's just one more reason why I sent you to this one instead of the other, or even both.

Ash: What's that??

Me: The reason for that one lies in future posts on this blog. Stay tuned.

One year ago: Our Glory of Love
Two years ago: Multilingual Pokémon

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