Wednesday, March 6, 2019

(Make Way for a) Local EX Raid, 3/6/2019

It's actually been over a week (actually, nearly two weeks) since I've participated in an EX Raid. I'm not sure why, but when I received the EX Raid Pass, the other EX Raid Gym appeared to be available for raids, rather than being "sterile" in preparation for the next EX Raid. This is the first shake-up since December, when the third EX Raid Gym returned from a long hiatus. And then there's the day of the EX Raid itself, which is today.

Today I was a bit tied up with things. I had to welcome a few special guests that may have something different for me soon. There were a few extra things I had to do because of that, as well as other specific agenda. The latter even included tasks that test my mind, including but not limited to Pokémon. And many of these were unplanned or barely planned. It's plainly obvious how the tag for today's EX Raid came about: the EX Raid just had to make way even with all of these things.

And there was also rain, which may be why the area around the EX Raid Gym at the scheduled time looked quite sparse today. There were a few others that came to the place, and it becomes obvious that they had to make way for the EX Raid as well. But that was no problem, because it meant we could raid together, and so we did. With the EX Raid still being Deoxys in its Attack Form, there was no need for formalities either - just raid and go.

If you've read about my previous EX Raids, you might notice that this one is kind of a flashback, by having the EX Raid at the first-ever place in my area. It could be considered a "making way" as well, because I had somewhat hoped for this to happen, and it did. It certainly made way for taking the above picture with the Attack Form, something I hadn't done here since December, when the Attack Form came out.

As for making way for a future EX Raid, the next one has already been scheduled a week from now for a different Gym, and I won't be a part of it, unless I happen to receive an EX Raid Pass by invitation before then. And there has been no word of Deoxys changing Forms any time soon, something that may be somewhat overdue. After these two things occur, there will surely be headway for more EX Raids, at least if I don't make way now.

One year ago: Bipeds and Quadrupeds
Two years ago: Ride the Pokémon

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