Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Nominating PokéStops

In Pokémon Go, there are many PokéStops strewn across its overworld. But there may be some areas that may use the addition of a few more of them. That's where player input can come in, in order to point out interesting places in the real world that deserve to have PokéStops in the overworld. In fact, specific groups of players can already do this through a feature called PokéStop nominations; while still somewhat in an early stage, this feature may indeed be very helpful.

So far, this feature is available to Trainers who have reached Level 40, the highest one there is. However, not all of those Trainers can utilize this feature, as it's being limited to Trainers in specific countries. Brazil and South Korea were among the first to have access to the feature, then Thailand and Vietnam followed, and just a couple of weeks ago Indonesia - my current one of residence - also gained access. Needless to say, this was welcomed with fanfare among some people in my local raid group.

Nominations take a bit of an effort and follow some guidelines. Those who nominate are to submit the location, two photos (one of the object and one of its surroundings for support), and the title and description. The general guideline for a nomination is that it should represent something that is man-made and historically/culturally valuable, preferably being nearly permanent as well (more on this is available by looking at the specific guidelines presented during the process); it goes without saying that it should be for something that can fill space in consideration of surrounding PokéStops that already exist. Nominations too are limited, so wise and careful decisions are in order.

Once a nomination is made, it has to go through a review process. It's a bit complicated, but the review process essentially is to confirm that the nomination meets the guidelines; despite the presented guidelines, some may still choose to submit unworthy nominations in a jocular manner, and this helps to stem that. The details are also checked for conformity. After that, it's a matter of time before a particular nomination may be approved and appear in the game as a PokéStop. The emphasis is on "may", since the nomination may still be worthwhile for other purposes.

The great thing about this process is that it can really expand the overworld of Pokémon Go and afford more possibilities for players in different areas. Some judgment is necessary, but with good judgment, the process can at least be followed satisfactorily, which may then lead to the expansion. With that, at least the efforts of a few will be beneficial for many, and the overworld of Go will look more and more like the real world from which it derives.

One year ago: Envisioning More Local VGC Tournaments
Two years ago: Slowpoke Moments

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