Sunday, March 26, 2017

Slowpoke Moments

I absolutely adore Pikachu, as being the ever-faithful companion of Ash. But that doesn't mean there aren't other Pokémon I identify with. One of them is Slowpoke. Slowpoke always has that blank facial expression and seems like an amnesiac, (perhaps blissfully) unaware of its surroundings. This is part of its charm, but it may also be a source of frustration for Pokémon and humans alike. In what I have termed as a "Slowpoke moment", it appears that I often lapse into the state of being like a Slowpoke.

When I am stressed or squeezed into a small space, or even with just ordinary everyday activities, I often blank out and have a hard time understanding what's going on, or lose track of my thoughts. Even as I'm writing this post now, I'm getting ideas, for within this post as well as new posts, and struggling to keep them in my mind as I write, trying hard not to blank out. These are my "Slowpoke moments", and while I'm not exactly blissful in them, I still much resemble a Slowpoke otherwise.

Am I happy that I feel like I identify with such a strange-looking Pokémon? On one hand it seems a bit comical, but on the other hand it may be a cause for concern. It's funny how I sometimes have behaviors that resemble a Slowpoke, but it's also an annoying feeling to have as it affects my everyday routines. I'm not a perfect human being, but at least I can try to be, and this feeling is certainly a setback that I can do without, for this blog and just about everything else.

Conversely, Pokémon can't do without Slowpoke, as it is much a part of the universe as is the de facto series mascot Pikachu. I'm sure most Pokémon and humans understand and get along with Slowpoke just fine, and that's all that matters in the end.

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