Sunday, March 3, 2019

Cosplay: Daisuki! Japan Fest x ICGP Regionals 2019

Me: This is it - this is the biggest convention or theme event in my area. It's something no one wants to miss, including me. That's why I send you here year after year.

Ash: I can see that! Last year and two years ago were really great and really exciting. But I think there's something a little different this year...?

Pikachu: Pi! Pika pi! [noticing]

Me: You're right! This year they partnered with ICGP, which as I explained two years ago, is designed to find characters who really can do what they can do and then send them to compete overseas. It's hard for us to qualify for this, but I suppose we can always cheer them on.

Ash: Yeah, I guess that's great too. You know what, though, the convention today isn't too much different from last year. It's always crowded from the start, and then there are food stands, and goodies stands, and the communities, and the performers, and...

May: Hi!

Ash: Oh wow! May is here! That's great! And I'm wearing my Hoenn outfit, so this is perfect!

Me: Well, what do you know. Looks like my friend decided to send her in. And she's got Eevee with her - that's fantastic!

Ash: Yeah, you're right. By the way, I don't see any way to sign in for character competitions.

Me: What I'm told is that any character that people send in can be chosen as a winner by character judges that walk around. It seems interesting, but you'll have to be wary and watch for them.

Ash: OK. Now the problem is that like two years ago, it really rained like two years ago, so the food stands and goodies stands had to go through that again, and... where's May?

Pikachu: Pi! Pika pika pi! [pointing out]

Ash: Oh wait, there she is! Where were you?

May: Sorry about that. I was just eating over here.

Me: Well, that happens sometimes at a big convention like this, especially with many people around. Don't fret.

Ash: Yeah, I see what you mean. Oh yeah, there were so many performers, they had to have two stages, but one was outside, so I think the rain got to it.

Me: Yes, a few years ago it was like this too, with multiple stages and at least one being affected by the rain. It was a mess. You were there.

Ash: Now that you say it, yeah, I remember. I don't think many people liked it either that time.

May: I need to go. I'll see you at another event later.

Ash: So soon? But it's not even the end yet.

Pikachu: Pika, pi pika. [concerned, letting go]

Me: It can't be helped. I mean, my friend has another agenda that needs to be done. How was ICGP, by the way?

Ash: I like the 11 teams that performed. They said it was the most that ever competed. So the people decided that there should be two big winners than just one.

Me: Wow, that's excellent! I've never heard of this happening before. How was the other character competition?

Ash: I didn't win. It seems like the judges award the winners in secret. I saw a couple of them award a couple of characters, but I didn't see the others. And there were only five winners, one for each judge.

Me: Well, that's fine. Maybe next time. It seems like this is one of those times that it's just mediocre. It wasn't too good, but it wasn't too bad either. The ICGP is the main draw, I think, and looking at the success, it may just be back next year.

Ash: You know, I'm sure you're right. And maybe we can get something big next time?

Pikachu: Pi? [intrigued]

Me: Maybe. Who knows.

One year ago: Investing for PokéCoins
Two years ago: To Pre-Order or Not to Pre-Order?

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