Monday, March 23, 2020

Continue Our Videogame Innate Desires

I had planned on titling this post something else, but I found that title to be relatively common and rather obvious. Therefore, I chose a different title that would be less obvious (but still indicative) and tie to the raison d'etre for this blog, which is of course Pokémon. As I've noted in earlier posts, these are currently dicey, strange, and sometimes sad times. The reason is certainly because of the COVID-19 (corona virus disease) pandemic, which has affected just about every part of human life, including those related to Pokémon - though I'll detail the specifics of the latter in a different post. For now, I'd like to address it generally, but still with Pokémon in mind.

The virus started wreaking havoc around late December. At that time, it was sufficiently localized enough that most other things, including many Pokémon things, weren't too affected. Over the course of three months to today, however, things got really bad and now it has spread pretty much to every part of the world, including even in my local area. As a result, many things have been put into disarray, including some that are quite related to Pokémon. Again, those I will explain in a different post to come, but what is clear is that everything's a huge mess. And that makes me concerned and sad as a Pokémon fan, especially for others affected around the world.

However, even with that, there is still no reason not to continue being empowered to keep on doing the things that one needs to do, whether it's work, learning, or even leisure as with Pokémon. But they all need to be conducted in a safer way, at home if possible, and certainly without crowding in some way. It's something that may be challenging to execute due to demands of every single thing. But empowerment is a necessary thing, which is why I've worded the title of this post the way it is. For me, Pokémon is something that is empowering and originated as a video game, so it serves well to continue it, but again within safe limits for me and others.

In reference to that title I was planning to use but didn't, which happens to be a rib on another cultural facet, the takeaway from it is that too much of something is as bad as not enough even in hard times such as these, but I'm sure that with Pokémon, I have just right to keep empowering myself through these times. Meanwhile, as for the prospects of making it through them, someone famous whom I've addressed several times on this blog has said that we can and will make it, as it is the nature of humans as intelligent beings to do so. While the person didn't specifically mention Pokémon, I'm sure that its continuance can and should be involved - within reason - in order to both fulfill leisure and preserve existence.

Stay safe everyone. Let's hope hard times will soon pass.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Community Day, 3/23/2019
Two years ago: The "Generals"
Three years ago: Pokémon Food... For Us

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