Saturday, March 7, 2020

Cosplay: Robotto no Sekai + SUCOFEST 2020 - Gamerverse

Me: You know what I always say: achievements don't come by themselves. So I hope you don't mind me sending you here to attempt to get them.

Ash: Hmm, what's the deal this time?

Pikachu: Pika pika? ["What is it?"]

Me: OK, so this is apparently an event held by a distant education institution (but not a school). This event has two halves: the Japanese theme and the general theme, and the Japanese-themed half is today. For it, the event title is translated in Japanese, and it means "Robot World".

Ash: I've never heard of this one out of any of the events you've sent me to. It must be new.

Me: I would say that I agree. I think this is the first time on record that the organizer created the event.

Ash: But the competitions are neat! Character parade, singing, and photography. I think you want me in the first two, right?

Me: Indeed! For this one, I'm going to let the singing competition dictate everything. And I want... "Advanced Adventure".

Ash: Hey, I like that song! I didn't personally sing it, but I'd love to. I guess this means the Hoenn outfit.

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["Yes, yes!"]

Me: Exactly! It's a neat song, and it fits you and I both, I think. How'd things go?

Ash: Well, today is Saturday, so it seems people had things to do, and most everyone was late. They all came about an hour after it was supposed to start.

Me: On one hand, this is a problem, but on the other hand, it might be understandable for some.

Ash: You seem to be right. But it might be a little stressful for them... and I guess for me. I lost track of some of the lyrics of the song, so it was a little strained, and the mic confusion at the start didn't help.

Pikachu: Pika chu... ["Oh dear..."]

Me: I'm sorry that happened. We can and should try again some other time.

Ash: Yeah. But the parade was OK, though.

Me: I'm glad. As always, the results are important.

Ash: I didn't win the singing competition. There were 10 people with me and the ones who won really had things going for them.

Me: Sure enough.

Ash: But for the parade, there were only four of us, and I got... SECOND PLACE!!

Pikachu: Pika pi-ka!! ["Excellently done!"]

Me: NICE!! It's something that hasn't happened in a while. It's still very important in any case.

Ash: Yes! The event wasn't much and so were the rewards, but they seem OK.

Me: I kind of think that this is good for a start. I'm sure they can do much better next time.

Ash: Yeah, just like I can do better with my singing.

Me: Don't worry about it. There will be a chance. Oh, by the way, my figure friends told me they'd open up a stand at a different event just a distance away. Would you have a look?

Ash: OK. The event ended early, so I had time, but it was a bit hard to get there. But when I was there, it was really neat. The theme was about games, so they had it in a cafe with lots of game things.

Pikachu: Pika chu...! [astounded]

Ash: Even Pikachu can't believe it.

Me: My figure friends have met there once, and now I think I can see why it's fun.

Ash: I met a few characters there, but not many. There weren't any competitions, but everyone in their communities was welcome. So I met your figure friends, and they said they had a great time.

Me: Anything else?

Ash: The Trainers who played in their area invited me to talk about what you did. I had a blast with that.

Me: That's nice. But I bet you couldn't stay long since you needed to get back to me for things, right?

Ash: Yeah, that. I wish I could spend more time.

Me: That's hard, but maybe next time it could happen. I suppose we can say this is a good day.

Ash: Agreed!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Sure!"]

Me: You sure can't beat two good events with Pokémon in both somehow.

One year ago: The Marketing of Expectations
Two years ago: How Many to a Raid?
Three years ago: To Be Continued... maimai ORANGE (PLUS)

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