Thursday, March 26, 2020

Looking for Good News

My recent posts over the past few days have had some connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, which is obviously the ongoing issue for much of the world right now. It can be a tough thing to find any good news; in fact, most of my mainstream sources are filled with news about the pandemic, which even if true and important may still not be too good, or in other words they are burdensome for the mind. Therefore, I have to look for good news elsewhere. I find that there's a certain drive that Pokémon lends to that.

I still have my Pokémon fellows in different places, and they're active to different extents even with the pandemic looming overhead. They, like me, have different things to do in addition to the Pokémon things they have going on, but once in a while they can spare a few moments to update the things they have going on, whether it's Pokémon or otherwise. I have faith among them that they're doing their best to keep the pandemic at bay through what they do, and if they can report on it for the rest, then that may be good and provide a sense of relief, especially if related to Pokémon.

Even with that, I still desire further contact with one or two of those fellows in order to really find out how they're faring and what they're up to, especially with regard to Pokémon. In these times of "social/physical distancing", it becomes the perfect time to initiate phone calls, video calls, conference calls, and the like in order to keep up with others. This would especially be true for Pokémon-related matters, and it would serve well for all parties on their ends. Not to mention, it can help to take minds off of the pandemic, just like any piece of good news truly would.

And then of course there are the official channels of communication from Pokémon, which give out updates about Pokémon matters. They may or may not be construed as "news", but for fans, the information should still be as good as any piece of good news. Likewise, they would accomplish much of the above as well, in providing things to keep up with, a sense of relief, and a way to take one's mind off of heavy matters as this ongoing health concern. One may still need to come back to it, of course, but at least there's a way to trim the burden with the "good news" received from here.

The pandemic situation will likely persist for some time ahead, and the situation of not being able to find anything good to take in will likely be the same. But my interest in Pokémon, as well as that of others, may provide an outlet for good news for all of us. It's certainly different from mainstream news and won't replace it for important matters, particularly for the current situation, but the good news from others with close links and particularly in relation to Pokémon is as good as any at this time. Now it's just a matter of waiting for the best news of all so that life and Pokémon may continue for the better.

One year ago: Nominating PokéStops
Two years ago: Envisioning More Local VGC Tournaments
Three years ago: Slowpoke Moments

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