Thursday, March 19, 2020

No Sight, No Mind

There is a neat quote that is in a way related to Pokémon through and through, though the language doesn't show it. It's one that I always remember, and it goes like this:
"Out of sight, out of mind."
"Well, you are out of sight if you are out of mind."
The first part of the quote is a well-known and familiar adage. One is likely to forget something if one doesn't see it. This applies to just about everything, not just Pokémon - something that I've experienced first-hand. But for the context of this blog, Pokémon is obviously important, and therefore it shouldn't be forgotten, let alone unseen. I find this true whether I'm dealing with the games and particularly certain happenings within them, or even things like the anime that I need to refer back to certain other things. The point is that if one wishes not to forget something (that is, keep it in mind), one should keep things visible (in sight). It's what I should do as a vocal Pokémon fan, and what I and others can do for other important things, both Pokémon and beyond.

The second part of the quote is a humorous interpolation of the adage. The second half of that part can be taken to refer to a person who is delusional or even "crazy" (out of mind); the first part, in relation to the second part, can be taken to mean being "dismissed" or "not recognized". Therefore, the implication is that a person who is perceived to be mentally abnormal is not regarded. I can say that this has happened at least once to me with my interest in Pokémon. In those times, certain other people regarded me as a "nut" for Pokémon before they realized that my interest in it had a rational basis. They have since apologized to me and I've subsequently received the apology, though it does seem regrettable that this had happened. Learning from this, I've taken it upon myself to have an open mind for other people with other interests that I'm not necessarily interested in; they, like myself, might just be "in the right mind" after all.

The quote above is simplistic yet humorous through its associated wordplay. But behind that, there are also deeper meanings. Moreover, its relation to and with Pokémon inside and out is also appreciable. It seems surprising how that can be, perhaps just as surprising as its memorable quality.

One year ago: Fashion Statements by Pokémon
Two years ago: PokéTerminology
Three years ago: Cosplay Hair

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