Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Fashion Statements by Pokémon

I've had the idea for this post for some time, but I've never been able to flesh it out until now. It's supposed to be a complementary post to one about the fashion of Trainers, so it was supposed to be posted shortly afterwards. The point is that in the same way that Trainers are also different but the same, Pokémon are also different but the same. That extends to their tendency to express themselves with certain fashion styles. There are a few of these found among different Pokémon.

Ash's Pokémon have been known for their unique fashion statements. Squirtle, while it was a part of its eponymous squad, was known to have don sunglasses, and this is certainly an intense statement with only an accessory. Similarly, Sandile also dons sunglasses, and this has persisted as the Pokémon evolved, becoming Krokorok and then Krookodile. And while it may be considered less relatable to fashion, the stick that is held by Treecko in its mouth serves similar purposes and likewise has persisted even as Grovyle and Sceptile. These have become the look of the Pokémon and their ways of expressing themselves.

Meanwhile, Pikachu is no stranger to fashion statements of its own. I've already detailed about those that wear certain caps, and they're fascinating in their own regard. It so happens that in Pokémon Go, some people may have also been blessed to have Pichu with the Original Cap (by hatching an Egg) or a Raichu with the Original Cap (by evolving such a Pikachu). I also mentioned back then about the Cosplay Pikachu, which happens to be Pikachu that wear one of five different outfits, including one for a lucha wrestler. Their main draw is less likely for typical battles, but more likely for Contest performances, which suits how they appear. All of them look different and strikingly so, for something that is more or less the series mascot.

Based on the above, other Pokémon can be conceived to be able to have their own fashion statements. Go seems to demonstrate this highly with the above, as well as past entries like Pikachu with sunglasses and a straw hat, with a witch's hat (the Spooky Pikachu), with a Santa hat, and the most recent being with a flower crown, which also happens to be available for Eevee. Their appearance is really the only thing that makes them differ; physically, they are no different than their regular kin. But that may just be the point of a fashion statement: to look different even if there's nothing different.

Not all Pokémon are inclined to making fashion statements, but some are. Though they might not wear clothing like their human partners, friends, and so on, they can be considered to justifiably express their fashions with even simple accessories. Like their Trainers, among one another, they may not be as different as they could be. But at least they may have some sense of fashion, enough to make a statement to stand out and be different.

One year ago: PokéTerminology
Two years ago: Cosplay Hair

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