Wednesday, March 18, 2020

On Blogging and Microblogging

I have come a long way with my Pokémon blogging efforts on this blog. It has spanned hundreds and hundreds of posts, some of which are significant; it's probably significant enough to write (or at least to form) a book, but that's another matter. What matters now is that it is a major effort, unlike a certain kind of blogging effort that can be considered "minor". By the title of this post, that effort is called "microblogging", and it's something that deserves some discussion in a post, including its relationship with Pokémon.

"Microblogging", as might be expected, is blogging that is performed at a small scale; it can be described as the regular content involved in typical blog posts, but less of it, more succinct, and/or not as detailed. There might be just short bits of text, or not a lot of text with some kind of media (pictures, videos, and so on), or even just the media itself with no text. If this sounds like the posts or tweets that are made on Facebook or Twitter, one might be right, as the two are sometimes (or often, in the case of the latter) cited as platforms where the activity occurs. Instagram and Tumblr would also be further examples.

Many things about Pokémon are certainly shared through the above means with the above activity, from independent fans alike to collectives of them. Pokémon itself even exists officially among some of these means, notably for the first three I've mentioned. The typical shared content often involves media as pictures or videos, but textual content isn't uncommon. The content involves new updates on Pokémon happenings as well as fun things in general. Whether official or less so, they seem to accomplish the purpose of microblogging with involvement of Pokémon.

Even so, I'm particularly not gravitated to doing such with Pokémon, at least not significantly. The primary reason is that I have (and chose to communicate with) this blog. Through a regular blog, I can sound more authoritative about things, even though the content remains personal. No matter how official things are, there seems to be a feeling that the information shared through microblogging means is rather casual. With a true blog, I can avoid such a perception - and bear to share much more than what can fit within the confines of the limits of the posts, something that the services above often have. Yet, I can still leverage them to promote what I put on this blog if or when I want or need to.

Microblogging certainly has its place, even with Pokémon in consideration, though it's personally not for my (general) needs. My needs remain with this blog for many objectives, including more directed ones with Pokémon in tow. There's still something to say about these efforts with regard to Pokémon, even with official efforts included, in that they can advance significantly how everything Pokémon progresses. I'd like to think that I'm doing the same, except predominantly with a more major form and less so with the more minor form. Regardless, I'm sure that no matter which method is utilized, we and Pokémon can all advance significantly together.

One year ago: Character Songs
Two years ago: "You Shall Not Pass" - Hard-to-Access Gyms and PokéStops
Three years ago: Alton : Food :: I : Pokémon

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