Saturday, March 18, 2017

Alton : Food :: I : Pokémon

(For those of you who are not used to analogies, the way to read the title is "Alton Is to Food as I Am to Pokémon".)

I've already mentioned about how I also like Food Network and how I have combined it with my liking for Pokémon, and I also dropped a bit about one of its (super) stars - Alton Brown - who also happened to be in the two programs I had long awaited to watch again. I feel that on some levels we're a lot alike. If Alton is passionate about food, then I'm just as passionate about Pokémon, and thus I perused the analogy as the title of this post.

I was introduced to Alton through his first hit program, Good Eats; I've watched Good Eats nearly from the very beginning, about the same time that I started to like Pokémon. Now thanks to Food Network appearing in Indonesia, I've watched almost nearly every episode of Good Eats, save for some odd ones and specials that have not yet appeared. In all that time, I've never felt Alton's love of food has gone away, ever, just like how my love of Pokémon has remained. Good Eats may be over (sadly), but the above is still true as Alton continues to appear on Food Network in other programs; likewise many things in Pokémon have changed, but I still feel attached to Pokémon, perhaps even more now, as I take up this blog.

More importantly, I think my writing style in this blog and in general is very much inspired after Alton's speaking style. The way in which we arrange our words, his for spoken communication and mine for written, are not too dissimilar. We're also somewhat alike in our usage of either large or uncommon words in our explanations of worldly matters related to our respective passions. We like what we like, so we're not apprehensive about putting to words what we think about them.

Lastly, we're humans, and sometimes we've made mistakes. I've recalled the few times Alton had messed up in certain episodes of Good Eats, and they're reminiscent of my faults in enjoying Pokémon. Regardless, we didn't discard our passions because of our petty errors, and we continued on our paths for them.

Our total passions may be different (though shared in some respects), but I believe that we are indeed alike in how we regard them. They're things that have never gotten away from us, and we even talk about them and regard them in much the same way. Again, they are what we like, and understandably we do things with them that we wouldn't otherwise if we weren't attracted to them.

So Alton, this one's for you. Your passion for food is similar to mine with Pokémon. I don't know if you know something about Pokémon, but if you do, then that brings us one step closer.

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