Friday, March 17, 2017

Pokémon X Food Network ...?

Aside from being a huge fan of Pokémon, I'm also a huge fan of cooking shows and cooking in general. So it's no surprise that when I was in the U.S., I tuned in to Food Network quite often - or rather, nearly all the time, and practically the only exception was for watching Pokémon. Down in Indonesia, Food Network recently became available to many through a pay TV subscription; here the channel is the Asia feed, and it contains a mix of U.S. and UK FN programs as well as Cooking Channel programs and sometimes unique programs.

Of the many programs I rejoiced to see again, there were two that stood out: Iron Chef America and Good Eats. However, my joy was accompanied with dismay as I knew I was already missing many of the ICA battles and found out that Good Eats had ended its run well before I was able to watch FN again. Regardless, I was in delight when I was able to see both programs again. And in that delight, I found a way to connect the two programs with Pokémon.

I thought the theme music of both Good Eats and Iron Chef America could be augmented with some Pikachu sounds, and I determined how and where they could be mixed in. To that end, I created three sound sequences containing Pikachu sounds that I could play at certain points of the theme music, and the sounds would mix perfectly. One sequence is for the Good Eats opening, another is for the Good Eats "splash" (the one on entry after the break), and the last is for the main part of the ICA theme whenever it plays (which is usually at the beginning, before a break, entry after break, and at the very end). All of these truly added a Pokémon "flavor" to the programs.

What relation do these programs have with Pokémon? Absolutely nothing - though for Iron Chef America, I can think of a definite self-inspiration (this is the part where Alton Brown would say, "that's another show"), but that's where it ends. Coincidentally both programs also have Alton Brown in them, but that doesn't help matters much. I think it's just because I like the programs so much that I'm tempted to add a Pokémon twist to them. It just goes to show that when you like something so much, you'll do crazy things to show it off. And doing the above is really a way to show off my liking for both programs... and especially Pokémon.

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