Friday, March 20, 2020

Sad Music from Kanto

I've hinted in a couple of earlier posts that these are dicey times as well as strange times. I've continually neglected to explain about them, but I will most likely have to do so very soon. Unfortunately, in some sense these are also sad times, which becomes more regrettable. As a Pokémon fan, I'm gravitated to regard such times in a Pokémon-related manner, and for the "sadness" portion, I'm reminded of three pieces of sad-sounding music from the Kanto saga of the anime. I would say that they're all representative of this sentiment.

One of those pieces is a light instrumental piece that is often linked to the initial story of Charmander. The foreground is piano-like while the background is ambient, while the structure consists of variations of a single phrase with variations at the beginning and end with an interlude in the middle. The lone foreground instrumentation illustrates loneliness so well, which is why it's very appropriate for that moment. It seems to also be appropriate for these times, when people may need to place themselves in seclusion.

Another one of those pieces has light instrumentation at the beginning and slowly transitions to a small orchestra at the end. This piece, while may be linked to a certain (minor) occurrence with Butterfree, may also be linked to moments where Pokémon or people console each other due to certain happenings. It may be described as sad at the beginning, but mellows out toward the end. The situations are consoling, and the music seems to be such as well. It is perhaps the sentiment that is as desired now as it is highly reflected in scenes containing this piece of music.

The last piece of music is perhaps the one packed with the most sadness. It's the piece that becomes the climax of the Butterfree story, certainly during its departure from Ash. It also has a range of instrumentation from light to full. It is sad through and through, including for the moment in question, which is why I do not think about this piece too much, especially given current conditions. I would rather think of the other two pieces, especially the second one, which has at least some hope by its sound.

In these dicey and strange times, there are also the opportunities to feel sad. For a Pokémon fan like me, that means being reminded of some sad pieces of Pokémon music, especially these from the Kanto saga of the anime. Yet I can't think about these sentiments for too long, for there is the hope that what is dicey may fall into place and what is strange may become familiar, however long it may take. At that point, thinking about sadness (and these pieces of music) will no longer be needed, and only gladness is present. Of course, Pokémon will hopefully be present no matter what.

One year ago: A Girl and a Fan
Two years ago: The Place to Be
Three years ago: Cosplay: Daisuki Japan 7 - Wanderlust!

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