Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Place to Be

Since the very beginning of this blog, I've stated that the purpose of this blog is to flesh out my experiences and thoughts regarding Pokémon in writing on a regular basis, and it has been a pretty good ride so far, with mostly good responses. And now, based on some recent happenings, I feel that more than ever, I'm doing the right thing. In a way, it is like I've come to "the place to be".

One of those happenings is a recent discussion I had with a Pokémon colleague. He's a much more competitive player in VGC than I am, but that doesn't stop us from getting along. And that discussion was prompted by a "missed opportunity" of sorts. After that discussion, my colleague wanted to cut back on VGC since it takes dedication, and might I say preparation as well, so that some of those may be focused on other things, at least for now; yet it also won't be total detachment from VGC and I surmise Pokémon as well. The thing that speaks to me about this is that I'm not so competitive and I didn't develop as such a player, but I understand the decision. In any case, I respect it, and it's probably what I would do given his circumstances. It would be better to do something else that can be done better and yet not be fully detached from Pokémon; we both have at least one of those things, and for me, this blog is a second one, though it is very much linked to Pokémon. I at least appreciate the opportunity to write.

Speaking of writing, if you've been reading this blog, you might have read about something some months ago that made me question my writing abilities, and to some extent the existence of this blog. Recently, however, I've received a bit of validation that may in fact indicate that I can write well after all, at least in a specific situation. Further, the situation is almost exactly the same as what prompted that earlier post, but with a more positive outcome. In any case, I'm somewhat delighted as this may provide opportunities to spread my wings, and if I can take Pokémon and this blog along for the ride, I would only be too happy. It would perhaps be a pretty good tangent to this.

I foresee having Pokémon for the longest time possible, and while these two happenings may only be loosely related to it, at least they provide reassurance that this may be the case. To that effect, it does seem like I have arrived at "the place to be", where I can continue to have Pokémon and do things with it, which includes this very blog with all my thoughts and experiences. And by the looks of things, I may just be able to go places, even within that place.

One year ago: Cosplay: Daisuki Japan 7 - Wanderlust!

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