Monday, March 30, 2020

The State of Nominations, Part 3

As with four months ago, it seems apt that I make another post to update how my PokéStop nominations in Pokémon Go have progressed, and there are plenty to be updated at this point. The nominations in many cases can take a long time to be processed and to result in something, so the four-month time frame seems appropriate while the nominations that I have are undergoing the process. But then there is the possibility that many things can happen, as has been the case since that last post, which becomes the prompt for this post.

The number of nominations certainly factors in. Up to today, I've made 58 nominations, which is 36 more than the last time. As expected, I continually regained nominations and I continued making them, which means more and more nominations that could be made. And I'm due for even more: some weeks ago, the limit of available nominations seems to have doubled from 7 to 14, which means I can stand to nominate more than ever before. I happen to have 7 spare nominations at the moment, which means I'm due for at least 65. Of course, what applies to me certainly will apply to others, so now the race for nominations is ever bigger.

Of those nominations, I've had only six approved, which is an increase from before, though still paltry in comparison to the total number that has been made. Notably, even with Wayfarer, it still took one to two months for some of the recent ones to be approved. Meanwhile, I've also had two nominations "superseded", in that someone else nominated the same object or place that I nominated, and theirs was approved first. As for rejections, I've had five total. Likewise, the case of the latter two also took a month or more before either became apparent, showing the true extent of the process. Even then, I still have nominations still "hanging" from nearly nine months ago with no clarity on their fate.

While the approved ones have been great and the "superseded" ones are understandable, it seems that the most recent rejections have illustrated that I may have run into a "conspiracy" of sorts in order to maintain the status quo. Some areas may have players that are adamant to keep the composition of PokéStops and Gyms in the area the way they are for Lure Module hangouts or raid runs, and they won't let new nominations (or even edits) challenge the way things are; I've actually witnessed this reluctantly in my raid group, for the same area where two of the nominations got rejected, and yet my nominations appear to be valid otherwise (they are both historical buildings). It's a situation that is as welcome as it is regrettable.

With the way other things are in the world right now, it may not be worthwhile for me to venture out farther to make new nominations. At the same time, I do not wish to let my existing ones linger. Thereby, this opens the possibility of using some of the ones I have for the renomination of previous nominations that quite deserve to become a PokéStop; it's a possibility that has been posed by others. In order to test this, I have renominated one of my nominations that have lingered for seven months with no followup, at least not that I know of. That nomination was made before the advent of Wayfarer, and it might just be possible that it had "gotten lost in the shuffle" of the old OPR system. I will wait and see what this leads to before attempting to renominate another one of my old nominations.

The nomination process has never been instant and never will be. However, it's an ever-expanding process and one that may require some finessing. Fortunately, that has occurred within the span of four months since I updated the progress on my PokéStop nominations. It remains an ongoing process, much like my progression with the Pokémon that I have caught and practically everything else. At this point, some experimentation may be in order as I continue to wait and see what happens with all of my previous nominations.

One year ago: Tournament: Raid Group Cup
Two years ago: Lugia Raid Burnout
Three years ago: Ice Is Nice with Pokémon

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