Monday, February 3, 2020

Editing PokéStops

About a year ago, I explained about the nominating of PokéStops in Pokémon Go, which has now become a widespread feature thanks to the launch of Niantic Wayfarer. Hot on the heels of this feature is a related feature that applies to existing PokéStops (and Gyms, for that matter), which would be the feature of editing them. Most PokéStops should be reasonably accurate and acceptable, but if the details of one are lacking in these regards, then they can be edited to suit the situation.

To edit the details of a PokéStop, one must be within its range, as one would if one were to nominate one. By accessing its photo using the arrow button and tapping on the circle with three dots, the editing feature is accessed. The editable details are the title, photo, location, and description, although photo editing is currently disabled and is not known when it might be available again; it may be due to a problem that occurred in the early days that this feature became live, forcing a temporary disable. Tapping on a certain detail brings up an input box for text-based details or a map for the location detail, which are inputted much like in a PokéStop nomination. Likewise, the number of edits allowed is finite but can be replenished after a set time.

In addition to editing details, one can also report PokéStops if they are wholly inappropriate due to not meeting the guidelines for good PokéStops, the same ones used to evaluate nominations. Reporting is also performed in the same way as editing, only one taps the "Report" selection. One is then given a series of options that detail the reason why the PokéStop should be reported, which correspond to the guidelines of why one shouldn't be. The report is then submitted, as with the edits to details.

These edits and reports are then put through the system, which is of course Niantic Wayfarer. Like nominations, those who use Wayfarer will check over the edits and reports and pick ones that are appropriate. As well, the review process takes time, much like nominations in general. The explicitly stated time is several weeks to several months, which roughly corresponds to how some of my nominations have fared. What this means is that the review process is not an instant one, for both new things and edits alike. But that length of time should mean good results all around.

Nominating new PokéStops is a great thing, certainly. But it's also a great thing to improve upon already existing ones in order to make them more attractive, interesting, and appropriate. This feature allows for just that; it's an easy process even with the time required for acceptance. But if it means that the world of Pokémon Go through its PokéStops can be a better place, then it's something that those who play the game can take solace in and use to make better contributions.

One year ago: Under a Truck
Two years ago: Formality of Ownership
Three years ago: The Sweetest Days - Ash and Pikachu

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