Tuesday, February 11, 2020

To Eat and to Lure

Some things in Pokémon Go are best accomplished through the use of Lure Modules and PokéStops as the way to encounter lots of Pokémon and be able to catch them in a short time. It's hard to beat this method, in particular if one needs to take a break from traversing. Of course, when one takes a break, it would also be ideal for one to be able to eat as well. That brings up the subject of eateries in conjunction with PokéStops, which becomes a fascinating subject for discussion.

Due to the way things are located in different places, it may be possible for some eateries to have or be located next to PokéStops. Granted, the PokéStops may not necessarily relate to the eatery so much as they relate to features that are located around the eatery, but for the purpose of the eateries concerned, they may be considered to belong to the eatery, especially if they all are reachable from the eatery. What may also help is the existence of a Sponsored PokéStop, which some eateries may very well have. Whichever way things are, one could be set up for good times with available and reachable PokéStops around an eatery.

In my local area, there are some eateries with PokéStops that are reachable from them. I've had the opportunity to visit a few of these eateries, and they seem or do have the potential for good times given a few Lure Modules and perfectly timed plus well suited events. The number of these eateries also seems to increase over time, which should provide many options in terms of food and play locations. And yet, a few of them may remain to be discovered, so it becomes the task of others to find out and to inform about them to everyone else, including me. There are no Sponsored PokéStops, and this is not likely to change anytime soon, but it's still something to be wondered about.

What would help with the discovery and documentation is a list of some sort that details the eateries and their related PokéStops in order to find out which ones are suitable for play needs and culinary desires. I for one would like to be able to seek appropriate PokéStops for my needs and an eatery with food that I desire, and I sense that I'm not the only one in this regard. Of course, this list wholly depends on my and others' contributions to it, which has to occur in the best way possible, or the ideals of this list may not be realized otherwise. The list would conceivably be helpful not only to local players but also outside players when they are in the area, so good contributions are expected.

Food is a necessity of all people; it's what keeps people going throughout each day. For some people, though Pokémon also becomes something important that becomes a part of daily life. For those who specifically play Pokémon Go, it may be expected that there would be some way to keep the game going while also taking a break to fill up, particularly after a day of traversing. Eateries with PokéStops would of course be the answer, especially if one knows where and for what to look. At least they would stem hunger while allowing play to continue.

One year ago: A Pidove Keychain
Two years ago: Memories of Hoenn
Three years ago: LINE Pokémon Stickers

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