Saturday, February 22, 2020

Cosplay: Beat Launch Party

Me: Remember how years ago there was a character competition in an event for a motorcycle launch party? (It was years ago, before I started this blog.)

Ash: Oh, hmm. I wanted to forget that one. That was fun up until it rained. Then it was rough.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["I'll say!"]

Me: Yes, that was regrettable. Well, this is a follow-up to that, and it's also somewhat further away. They say it's been a long time since they've had characters join in, so I want you in.

Ash: OK, I'll bite. What's the deal?

Me: Well, since it's far away, I'm going to have you go there with another character friend. That should be a pretty good deal for you and that friend. And you'll be in the parade, like last time.

Ash: I want to wear the same outfit from that journey and from Sunday. Can I?

Me: Sure! In fact, I want you to, so you can see how you fare on stage with it.

Ash: Great!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Nice!"]

Ash: OK, so we got there, and it's a lot like last time, with a lot of motorcycle stands and a stage. But the area was really open, and I almost wanted to ride something there.

Me: Did you?

Ash: I wish I could have. The fee for renting a small bike was OK, but I didn't get a chance.

Me: Maybe I can work something out, but it'll be expensive for me even though I'm sure there is some usefulness to it.

Ash: I think I might just like it if you do. Pikachu might too.

Pikachu: Pi, pika pika pika! ["Very much so!"]

Ash: It would have been nice.

Me: As I've said, I might make something happen, but not now. Now is the time for this parade in this launch party. How was it?

Ash: I think I did fine on stage. I tried a few new things that I haven't done before. I would have loved to do more if the announcers didn't cut me off.

Me: But didn't someone say to you to perform for as long as you can?

Ash: Yeah, that, and to do a pose. Maybe I should take it in stride.

Me: That may be something to consider. Results?

Ash: There were three prizes for the 13 characters, but I didn't get one. I did get a certificate for being in it, though.

Me: Oh, that's OK. Most of these competitions don't even think of simply giving a token for just taking part.

Ash: That is good. You know, this was kind of better than the last time things happened, even if it's further away and I got a sore bum afterwards.

Pikachu: Chu. ["Ouch."]

Me: Sorry about that. Now you (and I) know how far it is to get there and why we've never done it.

Ash: Also, if I could, I wanted to ride on Rhyhorn, but I ended up rounding them up instead. I got a lot for you.

Me: Great! That's a story for later. Right now, let's have a bit of a rest. This next week will be a frenzied one for everything.

One year ago: Local EX Raid (in a Frenzy), 2/22/2019
Two years ago: Trainer Caps, and a Teaser
Three years ago: Back in the Park

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