Thursday, February 27, 2020

Pokémon Day 2020 - 24th Anniversary

For those in the know, February 27 (today) is Pokémon Day, the all-important anniversary day for the franchise. It's been an unbelievable ride through almost two decades and a half, and that's quite an accomplishment for a franchise like this one. It may be considered as unbelievable as the things that I have been involved in along with the franchise (such as this blog), as well as the things about the franchise itself. And what makes them even more unbelievable is that there's a lot of them to take in even today, any which way one goes with the franchise.

When it comes to numbers of things, one needs to look no further than the number of Pokémon species. After starting with 151 of them as the first generation, the number of them has continued to increase with the progression of time, and today there are close to 900 of them. That's an unbelievable number by any means. What's also unbelievable is how many of them have persisted in the minds of people, enough for them to remain popular even with time. Granted, it's a small subset of the close-to-900 number, but it's a good number that may leave even the most loyal fans in wonder.

In fact, some of those species were polled in by fans for a "Pokémon of the Year", and the results were just announced. The top 10 species have been declared, and they represent a diverse number of past generations; the top of the pack is Greninja, which admittedly has been an unbelievable wonder since its appearance in the Kalos saga of the anime. There is also one more unbelievable wonder in the form of a newly announced Mythical Pokémon species for the eighth generation, with the name Zarude and Grass/Dark typing. The unbelievable wonder for this species may just remain to be seen within a short time, particularly in relation to specific Pokémon things.

As for other unbelievable wonders, some of them are happening as I write this (or have happened) in Pokémon Go, but as with Valentine's Day, I'm saving some of those unbelievable wonders for a different post, which will come soon enough. Events in Pokémon Go are always fascinating, but they seem especially so this month, given that this is after all the "anniversary month" for the franchise, not to mention the other things that happen in the month such as the aforementioned. I'm sure once I explain them, the unbelievable wonders will become apparent.

It is true that Pokémon has been an unbelievable wonder in the 24 years that it has been present. As unbelievable as it is, next year might be even more unbelievable when Pokémon marks a spectacular and gilded milestone, one that I've already hinted upon in a post close to one year ago. There is one year left to piece together the spectacularly, unbelievably wondrous things for that. But for now, one deserves to revel in all the things that have happened over the past 24 years. I dare say, that would leave just about any Pokémon fan in wonder of what is next to come.

Happy 24th anniversary.

One year ago: Pokémon Day 2019 - 23rd Anniversary
Two years ago: Pokémon Day 2018 - 22nd Anniversary
Three years ago: Pokémon Day 2017 - 21st Anniversary

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