Monday, February 27, 2017

Pokémon Day 2017 - 21st Anniversary

February 27 is another special day, not just for myself, but for all Pokémon fans. It is because 21 years ago to this exact date, the original Pokémon games, Red and Green, were released in Japan. As such, this day is also considered the inception date for Pokémon - the epoch, if you will. Celebration is in effect also welcome on this day. Playing the games is appropriate, as is watching the anime or collecting merchandise. If it's related to Pokémon, whatever done today is worthy to be called a celebration for this day.

Unfortunately today I couldn't do much as I was catching up on some important tasks at home. I did, however, get a few rounds of Pokémon Shuffle in on my 3DS; it seems that this has been true for some time, that the only Pokémon game I've consistently played in recent times is Pokémon Shuffle. Due to certain circumstances, I've been allowed to have the Wii for a little longer, but like all other games besides Shuffle, I've been unable to get some recent play time on it. And then there's the fact that I came back home yesterday tired after an event - more details soon.

Still, it's impressive for Pokémon to be around for this long, though admittedly it was last year's anniversary - the 20th - that was more special. So special was it last year that I did something out of the ordinary to be with other people who like Pokémon, and that effort was worthwhile; I got to meet, play, and spend quite a bit of time with them. In my heart I believe we've all waited for this anniversary eagerly, and it's nice that this happened at the right time. Now that Pokémon is (over) two decades old, we're hoping for even bigger and greater things to keep the momentum going. We're seeing some semblances of this in newly released games such as Sun and Moon; if they're as good as the experience playing Sun and Moon, we're in for exciting times ahead.

Happy 21st anniversary, Pokémon. It's such a pleasure to have you for all those years, and here is to many more to come.

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