Tuesday, February 18, 2020

To Lure or to Walk?

By now, Pokémon Go has a boatload of events, some being mundane and others being spectacular. For many of these events, Lure Modules might become essential... or they might not. There is the sense that for quite a few of them, walking may actually help, perhaps more than setting up Lure Modules. It becomes a sort of a debate between the two approaches, and for that, it becomes useful and enlightening to explore the two approaches in relation to working the events.

The point of the Lure Modules is to get more Pokémon to appear in a particular place so that they can be caught. As well, some events may extend them beyond their usual duration of 30 minutes, one of them being the ever-present and ever-valuable Community Day, for which it spans the entire length of time. Others may do so, but to lesser extents. Considering this, if an event explicitly states that extended Lure Modules are part of the program, then it's surely worth it to set up a Lure Module or two to take advantage of them. Otherwise, other considerations are in order.

Part of those other considerations is of course walking around to catch more Pokémon. Walking moves one from place to place, potentially exposing one to newer Pokémon appearances. By walking, one can spin PokéStops and hatch Eggs, which may be necessary mechanisms for certain events. Further, walking achieves the "fitness" goal of Pokémon Go for people. All of these may be necessarily more worth it than setting up a Lure Module, especially one that is hard-earned; it can thus be saved for more pressing situations, while the goals of the event itself may be achievable without the use of one.

Still, Lure Modules benefit not just one person, but many people; setting up one can potentially benefit many as much as it does benefit one person. Thus, the "combination approach" employed for Community Day and some similar events is proper and workable: setting up Lure Modules is important to allow everyone the greatest chance to catch Pokémon, but walking around is also important to complete as many Field Research Tasks as possible, capture differently located Pokémon, and accomplish the other previously stated goals. For events such as these, both appear to be necessary.

In the end, the decision to lure and/or to walk may rest on the individual. If one can make Lure Modules work, then one is welcome to set them up. If one would rather walk instead, then it is permissible for one to take up the effort. Some events may just allow either or both of these efforts to achieve their goals comfortably and successfully, and there are a multitude of these events with each passing moment in Pokémon Go... and perhaps, just as many approaches for getting them done the right way.

One year ago: Mewtwo @ Everywhere
Two years ago: Cosplay: CHoCoDays x CLAS:H/ICGP Regionals 2018
Three years ago: Pokémon Art on Walls

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