Friday, February 14, 2020

Valentine's Day 2020: In Pursuit of Love

February 14 is here again, so it's not hard to know what this day entails, especially looking at my previous-year posts below. With Valentine's Day being today, love and affection is in order. And that can be something that can be in hot pursuit by many people, with the end results being potentially vague. For me, though, there may be certain results for these that are achieved through Pokémon, and this may be something that is worth telling on this particular day for love and affection.

As with the occasion on my birthday last month, I went out on a "Gym tour" with the same Pokémon Go friend; again, this is a common occasion by now, but that doesn't mean it can't sometimes be different. That difference just happened to occur today. I noticed that we became rather attached to our particular efforts with the game. While there is no attachment between us other than just being really good friends (and not much more than that), it's surprising how the game can be sometimes. It seems to be able to incite some deep feelings, especially with the attachment to our respective Pokémon and including our buddy Pokémon - this last one being a topic that should be discussed later on as well. That may at least be an indication of affection and love, something we pursued and got.

Meanwhile, there were some other efforts by my other Pokémon fellows to "spread the love". They involved movements of many of the species across things as well as to get them to show up in greater numbers. There were a few issues with both of these, but there was something evident with the efforts as well. With the supposed movements, there was indeed love in a way, enough for the associated fellows to send the species across different things. As for getting them to show up, there was some affection in a way for the outreach to them, which may carry over to other people. What's clear is that the love and affection may just continue for at least over this weekend, which is likely to continue the pursuit.

(And yes, speaking of Pokémon Go, the posts from the past two years have mentioned the related event for today, but I've decided to save it for something else this time. It's for pursuing a different kind of objective, which will become clear then.)

I have to say that the love and affection objectives I've detailed now are leaning towards abstract. But it seems that's kind of the way it has always been for me regardless. At least with Pokémon, there is some kind of certainty I've observed today for me and others, which means there is less vagueness. The pursuit for love (and affection) may then still continue beyond the confines of this day.

Perhaps now it's time to pursue other affairs as well. For now, Happy Valentine's Day.

One year ago: Valentine's Day 2019: Think Pink
Two years ago: Valentine's Day 2018: Address to a Luvdisc
Three years ago: It's Valentine's Day!

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