Friday, January 17, 2020

Always Together

It's January 17, and it is obviously my birthday as evident in my posts from previous years below. Now, I had been wondering about what to write for this occasion, which has become "standard" in a way. After wondering for a bit, I've settled on the topic of "togetherness", which has its own intricate links to Pokémon, and it's also a frequently-discussed topic here on this blog when it comes to all things related to this. The topic seems to be even more pertinent at the moment, which makes it worth discussing along with the keyword of "always"; it's a quality that is drifting across fantasy and reality as of yet.

Early this morning, I went on a "gym tour" with one of my Pokémon Go friends. It is by now a frequent occasion due to my partially limited mobility, only today it was a little more special due to the current occasion. It seems like something that will persist for some time, at least for as long as my friend is willing and able. There have been some developments that suggest that things may be going in a new direction for my friend, but that may take some time to happen. Before that happens and we can still be physically together, it's worth it to savor the moments. But even after the moment has passed, at least the mementos remain with me. There is that sense of always-togetherness.

Of togetherness, I'm part of another group of people who used to gather every so often, including one time two years ago with a sort-of-but-not-quite Pokémon party for this occasion, as well as others. It has been a long time since we last gathered, and the reason is simple: we're all over the place now, which no longer permits these gatherings to be held. Even so, every so often some of us continue to show off something Pokémon, which may at least indicate the desire to somehow gather again. I don't know how this might work out, but there could always be that possibility. At least in spirit, we may be "always together".

Speaking of gatherings, I am due for a couple of them this weekend, and they'll likely involve Pokémon to different degrees. One of them is tomorrow, as something that does involve me and others in concerted efforts that have to be performed to test each other. The other is the next day, and it's actually a double gathering that both primarily involves me as a Pokémon representative and me as a simple participant. Because they happen, it's also right for me to be in them, and this therefore invokes always-togetherness.

Each year, the circumstances of my birthday are always different. What never seems to change is that I meet people day in and day out each year, whether or not this is related to Pokémon or otherwise. But when it comes to the former, there seems to be always something that potentially creates an aura for togetherness that can stand to persist beyond a specific moment. We may be separate, but we are also together, always. I close this year's post with a Pokémon song that pertains to this spirit:

Together forever
No matter how long
From now until the end of time
We'll be together and you can be sure
That forever and a day
That's how long we'll stay
Together and forever more
-- "Together Forever", J. P. Hartmann

Yeah, that just about sums it up. Happy birthday to me.

One year ago: Wonderful Opportunities
Two years ago: 30 Going on 10... Or Something Like It
Three years ago: A Pokémon Party?

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