Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Hoppip New Year 2020

Hoppip New Year! After three years, this blog continues into its fourth year. My primary objective with this blog remains the same: to present what I think about, what I do with, and what happens concerning Pokémon. If anything, I've proven that I've got quite a bit for all three with all the prior posts on this blog. There will absolutely be more of that within this fourth year, so it's only right that I maintain it, all the while looking for other opportunities that might arise from it, especially ones that I can get into.

Now, three years ago, I started this blog as a kind of a "renewal" gesture, and this year, I've made another "renewal" gesture in a different form: I have officially opened an Instagram account, with the first post being timed in the same way. I will still assuredly use this blog to communicate my Pokémon interests, as Instagram is a rather visual medium, and this blog is verbal in nature. Of course, the two can always cross over; I'll sometimes mention my posts on Instagram here and mention this blog on Instagram, and that way they both can be in synergy. Those who are interested can check out my profile on Instagram.

Speaking of profiles, I've also changed my profile picture on this blog to one that represents me as I am right now. It's the same as my profile picture on other social media to provide a sense of unity, as well as to quickly identify me. I've never thought about giving it a Pokémon twist since I want it to remain neutral to represent myself, but for the purpose of this blog, this may be something to consider. This is also a change that I don't expect to make very often.

As for that titular Pokémon, Hoppip, I happened to find it in a wild encounter today, though it wasn't too good in stats and I ended up transferring it. And though I've captured significantly more of it, I still haven't encountered a Lucky one, though now I have a few of its higher-order kin Skiploom and Jumpluff. Hoppip is and tends to be on the lower order of things in Pokémon Go, but that may change at any time. It's still pleasant to encounter it every so often, as today.

And, well, it's another year, so that list of old posts to look back on will get a little bigger with posts from three years ago. But that's a given, considering how the efforts of this blog will continue. There are a few things I haven't realized that I intend to realize with this blog to back it up. I'm sure that the posts of this blog will pave the way for those things, just as Pokémon has paved the way for good things in my life, and for a good life in general. All that remains is to detail them in writing just as I have done in past years.

One year ago: Hoppip New Year 2019
Two years ago: Hoppip New Year 2018
Three years ago: First Post Time!

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