Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Post Categories

Five months ago, I discussed in a post about balancing topics again regarding the possibility of expanding the categories (tags) of my posts on this blog. I've considered it since then, and I've decided to do so. Categories on this blog help me to find my posts and certainly help readers to check out other interesting posts. As noted in its history two years ago (see below), it started with a few; now I dare say that list of categories could use a few more to help us both as much as possible.

Two of the newest "new" categories are "Books and Manga" and "Social". The former category will contain posts that pertain to Pokémon in print-and-bound form, which for Pokémon is definitely significant, and for me as a writer represents something I can totally breach into, especially given this blog. The latter category will contain posts related to how I interact with Pokémon on social media, including this blog itself, which makes today's post included in it, and so does yesterday's regarding my new Instagram account. It should be noted that a few posts from the "Oddities" category (maybe even others) may vie to be included in either or both categories, but that's for when I encounter them.

Meanwhile, I've taken the consideration of splitting the "Game" category, and I've devised four new categories, each as a subtext of the category. "Main Series and VGC" concerns those key games of Pokémon as well as its key competitive style. "Trading Card Game" concerns anything that involve Pokémon as played out in this form. Because I play it quite a bit, "Pokémon Go" gets its own category. And finally, "Other Spinoff Games" is for any game that doesn't concern any of the prior three. At present, I've only re-categorized a handful of posts from the original big category; eventually, the original category will disappear after I re-categorize everything.

That does lead into an interesting segue. As evident, with three years' worth of posts, that's a lot of posts for anyone to read, particularly to review. While I don't have too many qualms outputting posts at my current pace, it does kind of become overwhelming for even me to go through all of them, especially to review them to be re-categorized into new categories. However, fellow readers of this blog may be able to help in this regard; they can suggest posts to be re-categorized into other existing categories, or possibly even new ones if they see fit. The point is that this almost amounts to a Herculean effort for one person - me - so any help would be appreciated in this regard, and I can quickly point out one source of that help.

This blog has expanded greatly over a period of three years, and so have the categories. Every so often, it becomes a good idea (necessary, even) to implement new ones, and that time is now. I may need a little help for this effort, but the ultimate results of that effort remains to help everyone, not the least of which is I myself as the author. It makes for a good insight into the balance of topics that I post about Pokémon as well as the great big world that is this franchise.

One year ago: Taking the Plunge
Two years ago: What's Next?
Three years ago: ...And a Hoppip New Year

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