Friday, August 2, 2019

Topic Balancing, Again

If you're a frequent reader of this blog, you might have noticed something remarkable, perhaps even odd, over the past 18 posts or so. They have alternated topics, from something that isn't related to Pokémon Go to something that (somehow) involves Pokémon Go to a good extent. Some of them had been planned, but others were also the result of a happy accident. It recalls a post I wrote close to a year ago about the balance of topics that I write about on this blog, and it seems apt to be discussed again.

One of the things I mentioned in that post is that this is not a Pokémon Go blog, and I feel that I have to reaffirm this: it's still not one. It only so happens that the Pokémon game I'm playing a lot nowadays is Pokémon Go, so it would be understandable that I'd write up quite a bit about it. I've even got a few regular posts about things that go on in the game itself. But on the whole, this Pokémon blog is still about me and as many things as possible related to Pokémon. Pokémon Go is just one part of that and one of the many Pokémon games out there, and it's the "in" game for me right now. Other games can and will be discussed, at least in due time.

As for that pattern, I can say that it will continue for at least the next few posts. As I've noted, the pattern is one part incidental, but another part is due to the scheduling of my activities as well as happenings of the game itself. Continuing it is as much a matter of convenience as it is a matter of beauty. I expect the pattern to be broken eventually, and when that happens, I can freely discuss other Pokémon things on this blog. Until then, I can stand to continue discussing things in the current manner for as long as I possibly can. (And this post doesn't really "break" the pattern, as it's not really about the game itself.)

Meanwhile, I'm also thinking about other considerations with my posts. I'm thinking of splitting the "Game" category into three: one for the main series games, another for Pokémon Go, and yet another for other games, so I can see how much of each I really discuss. The "Musings" category is rather heavy as well, but I'd need to see how I can really split that before I take further steps to do so. Certainly, these efforts will also require time, something that I seem to be short of at the moment... though never for Pokémon.

This blog remains as something that I can use to discuss Pokémon and my own happenings around and about this great thing. Whatever I discuss and however I discuss it is because of how things just play out. In a way, that is neat, seeing how the origins of Pokémon are games, and today it's still related to games that many people including me can play. I hope that readers can still "play" with me as I play Pokémon and it plays out for me.

One year ago: The Music of Magikarp Jump
Two years ago: Pokémon Is Everything

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