Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mementos of...

A lot of things change in life, and mine is no exception. Many things simply disappear along with those changes, but if they're made into mementos, then they could be remembered indefinitely. Many of the things in this blog could be considered as such, as well as a few other things. One of those things is a little something that I received a few days ago from a really good friend, one that for frequent readers of this blog may be not too unfamiliar.

These are two styled Polaroid photos taken from when I met my girl fan one day at a certain mini-convention with a cat flavor. It was an interesting day at the least, especially for her. That day, I took part in the J-Song competition, singing "Together" by Akiyoshi Fumie, but I messed up, which most likely cost me a win. It's pretty much regrettable, but then something more interesting happened two months later.

At another gathering/mini-event, I sang "Together" again along with "Best Wishes", and I ended up taking second place, the first time that had ever happened with a J-Song competition. I'm impressed with my win, of course, but as she is a Pokémon fan as well, she can't help but be impressed as well. Eventually, when we met again a few days ago at a really great convention, she awarded these Polaroid photos of when we met at the other convention for that win.

Of course, that does call into question as to what these are mementos of. On one hand, it is a memento of the former mini-convention, as the pictures so clearly indicate. On the other hand, it is just as she said - it's a memento for a well-deserved win. However it is, it's also a memento of the both of us meeting each other, as well as this costume; it is after all the very first Ash costume I had, and I still use it to this very day.

Perhaps the best answer is that it is simply all of the above. Everything that involved the mementos here have come and gone, but the mementos remain. It's part of the cycle of things changing in life and disappearing, only this one isn't. After going through a really big change, this may be a way to recover from that. It becomes one thing that should (and will) never disappear despite everything that has changed.

One year ago: Cosplay Events, Wherefore Art Thou?
Two years ago: Connection Issues?

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