Monday, August 19, 2019

This Is My House

'Cause this is my house, it belongs to me
Inside my head, it's all that's left
This is my house, this is my bed
This is where I sleep
That was the dark, those are my dreams
They belong to me
This is my house...
-- "House", Elton John

Those who have been reading my blog in July might have come across a certain post that was deemed as "subtle" in some ways. That post actually concerns three things, and while I've bothered to explain about one of them, I haven't explained about the other two. This post intends to explain about one of the two that haven't been, but of course with a Pokémon perspective, and a little assistance from the song above.

So the truth is that I am (or have been) in the process of moving to a new house, something that I haven't done in over a decade and feels even more difficult now, since that house is a family house that has been so since far longer. It incites the third verse - due to the second line above - of this (probably) lesser-known song from this popular musician; overall, the song itself is about the sentiments one may feel when one is within one's own house.

The phenomenon of moving houses is something that many people in the Pokémon world may feel. It is even notably referred to as part of the beginning of the third-generation storyline in Ruby and Sapphire as well as the seventh-generation storyline in Sun and Moon (and all variants thereof). Though the tribulations of the process are not disclosed - and simply left to the imagination of the player - certainly there has to be some, especially if it is then part of the impetus to start a new Pokémon journey.

Today, the process is more or less complete for me personally, though some things remain to be done to complete the move. It's consoling that at least in the Pokémon world, it's something that happens there as well and is sometimes referred to. The rest of the sentiments, for Pokémon fans and characters alike, may be well-represented with the song above, for both of those whose houses are a little (a lot) less firm-footed, and those with a solid roof above their heads.

One year ago: Local Ex-Raid (and Changes), 8/19/2018
Two years ago: Pikachu Image Pillow

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