Monday, August 26, 2019

Making Others (and Myself) Happy

A few days ago, I heard a statement that I thought was fascinating. The statement more or less goes like this: "When others are happy, I'm happy." As with many things that capture my interest, there's Pokémon somehow involved behind it. It has a loose interpretation when it comes to Pokémon, but it's an interpretation that is befitting nonetheless. It also speaks to me rather personally.

Pokémon Go is a fine example of where this statement applies. A few things in Pokémon Go demand that they be done with other players, so it means that for whatever success that happens with any of the players in a group of them, the other players have at least some contributory role. I've been in quite a few raids where I or someone else obtained a Shiny Legendary, and whatever happens, I have no doubt made my contribution to to it. I can only be happy for others and thereby myself, fulfilling the above statement.

Two months ago, there was the "National Dex fiasco"; this may also be considered in light of this statement. It was probably never the intention for the National Dex to be limited in the manner that it's planned, based on my personal observations. But I'm sure that with or without a limit, whatever goes on with Sword and Shield is to make every player as happy as possible, which then goes back to the creators. That effectively realizes the statement, making it truly apply.

The statement can also apply in a simpler way, one that's evident right here and now: for this blog. All the posts on this blog are designed to please any Pokémon fan that might be reading it; they are to be happy knowing what I can do and what I've done. Even if there are no obvious indications, I'm sure that someone out there is pleased by simply reading everything I've written. That of course goes back to me, bringing happiness.

There are many things that people do for others. Mine, and I surmise for a number of others out there, involve Pokémon. If it can make people happy, then that's a great thing; it means that it has been rewarding for them. It's never an easy thing to tell, but I'm sure that at least one or many will at least feel happy knowing that it's been done in such a way.

And that makes me happy to no end.

One year ago: Figure Gathering, Again
Two years ago: Cosplay: B-Bunkasai 2017 - Yume no Tobira

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