Saturday, August 24, 2019

Cosplay: B-Bunkasai 2019 - Orihime to Hikoboshi no Monogatari

Me: Well, it's that time of year again. You know this theme event well, and so do I. It means a lot.

Ash: What's the theme this year?

Me: The theme this year is a fairytale, about a pair of lovers separated by a vast space and can only meet one day a year. It's a bit sad, just like a recent experience I had.

Pikachu: Pi... pika pika. ["Oh, I see."]

Ash: I guess we need this one, huh?

Me: Yeah, we really need it. I know it's a bit standard from year to year, but it's in an important place for many people, even me. So I always hope for different things.

Ash: Like what?

Me: In the past, there had been character performance competitions here, but recently, it's only been the parade.

Ash: Yeah, there's still one. I got in.

Me: That's great! I thought I was going to have problems getting you in, but it turned out OK.

Brock: Can you help me out with a game from my friend and your friends?

Ash: Sure! Oh yeah, we're all supposed to meet today! But where's May? And Misty?

Norman: I'm sorry, May went on a trip and she couldn't come back in time. Max is in a pinch.

Brock: Yeah, and Misty told me she had to watch the Gym.

Psyduck: Psyduck psy! ["That's right!"]

Ash: I guess we did OK with who we have. I still wish we could all be together.

Brock: Maybe it'll happen sometime.

Me: By the way, anything really different this year?

Ash: The stage is really big! It was so big for the bands and characters. But a few things seemed to be delayed, so it felt off.

Me: That seems to always happen somehow.

Ash: But everything was good, though! They looked a lot neater than in the years before.

Me: That must be a good thing, for at least they're doing something right.

Pikachu: Pi pika pika. ["I'd say."]

Me: OK, that just leaves the results for the parade. How'd things go?

Ash: No win, sorry. And this is the Hoenn outfit that you sent me with.

Me: Maybe the magic wore off a bit. That's OK, there will be other times. You know, I think this was still a good day regardless.

Ash: I guess you're right.

Pikachu: Pika pika pi. ["I guess so."]

Me: I'm sure we're in for good times ahead, no matter what.

One year ago: Trainers and Musicians Alike
Two years ago: Pokkén Downturn?

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