Thursday, January 18, 2018

(Almost) A Pokémon Party

A year ago, on my birthday, I had outlined and desired possibilities for a Pokémon party. I listed what could happen and things that could be in one, in case one actually came to be. Yesterday, for my birthday this year, that almost happened; I invited some of my friends to visit my home in the evening and have a small gathering, which did turn into a party. Not everything had Pokémon elements, but Pokémon was brought up, and it was a party nonetheless. Though it was lacking in some respects, it was still a good one.

First up, my friends brought a cake! Since it was kind of sudden, there was not a lot of time for sophisticated decorations, but there was just enough time for writing a message on top of the cake. The message on the upper part is obvious - it's simply a birthday greeting. The message on the lower part is what makes it special - "Go Pikachu". My friends know I'm a huge Pokémon fan (and of Ash as well), so of course the cake had to be tied somehow to Pokémon. I find it quite an appreciable gesture.

Part of the evening was also spent discussing a few Pokémon-related things. While it never materialized to fully spending time with Pokémon things, we did talk about some bits of the games as well as the anime. Certainly discussion about this blog and some posts that were in it came up. Regardless of how little it was, it was still valuable, as it shed light on some direction where I could take my interest in Pokémon, which automatically goes for this blog.

I should also mention that the ones who came last night were the same people that belong to my clique who I mentioned in a post last year about friends. We - at least the more Pokémon-oriented among us - still haven't gotten back to Pokémon as much as we would like, but that remains as a small hope. Perhaps it could just happen. At the least, with last night we still had the chance to express our interest in it.

This wasn't a full Pokémon party, but it had the makings of one. For that, I thank those who came last night and made it appreciably connected to Pokémon. It made my special birthday this year even more special. I'd love to have such a party again, especially with Pokémon in tow.

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