Thursday, January 17, 2019

Wonderful Opportunities

As my previous-year posts below indicate, today is indeed my birthday, again. This time, I wish to discuss about opportunities, specifically ones that involve Pokémon. This is something that I've become alerted to earlier today after a talk with one of my peers. And I do believe that these can be (and are) wonderful as well, especially with Pokémon in tow.

When I met a fellow player by chance during last December's "Super Community Day", I thought nothing much of it. I thought the person is great, although more special once the person joined my raid group. However, a little later on, the person informed me that the person, along with some immediate family members, runs a clock and watch shop that is easily approachable from where I live... and in fact, I had already been to it once to get one of my clocks repaired, but I never thought much about this either. This is wonderful indeed, even more so because it resulted by way of playing a Pokémon game, in this case Go.

I then decided that I needed to go back to that shop, and I did. The next time I went to the shop, we met and and talked some more, along with taking care of a few things in Pokémon Go. Further, I was given this:

This is a tag that the shop provides for free in case someone wanted to purchase a clock or a watch as a birthday present. The writing actually says "Happy birthday - best wishes for a long life", in translation. There are actually several varieties of this tag, and this happens to be the Pokémon variant, identifiable with the Pikachu face and Pikachu-yellow background, as well as Pikachu on the lower-right corner. This tells me that the person and family may have at least been aware of Pokémon even before I met the person, which would be wonderful as well. I chose to discuss this tag today for obvious reasons.

This is one kind of opportunity that I seek, which is to have fun and let others join in on that fun. Another kind of opportunity that I seek is to do good things and be rewarded for them. In some sense, upon meeting the person, we have sought and fulfilled these kinds of opportunities by playing. Of course, by posting in this blog, that may help to fulfill both of these opportunities, though the results may not be currently and/or fully evident.

What I can say is that with Pokémon, I have some chance to seek and fulfill these opportunities. Everything that Pokémon offers may let me do so in different ways, including the case of above with Pokémon Go. I'm certain that anything else that I choose to do that is related to Pokémon will reveal more opportunities. And if they're as great as what happened above, then they're truly wonderful.

It's a wonderful day. Happy birthday to me.

One year ago: 30 Going on 10... Or Something Like It
Two years ago: A Pokémon Party?

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