Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Taking the Plunge

On a few occasions on this blog, notably on the very first post as well as in a post about writing a book, I've noted my reasons for why I started this blog. On the whole, they amount as part of the initiative of why I did so. They were what made me "take the plunge" into this new (or maybe not-so-new) venture that could still be related to Pokémon. Now, two years after I started this blog, it seems that "taking the plunge" is a natural step for whatever I do with Pokémon.

This seems to apply to existing as well as new endeavors. An existing endeavor for which it could be considered that this applies rather well is Pokémon Go. When I started playing, I would never even think of spending real money to get PokéCoins. Nowadays, that is less of the case; I've realized the essential point of spending to get coins for certain objectives. However, it's still fairly limited - by and large, I still earn my coins off of defending Gyms, and only supplement with purchases if things don't look sufficient. This still constitutes as "taking the plunge" as a new step that I've taken.

Certainly, there are other potential new directions. Last December, I had discussed a couple of pieces of merchandise that are significant on their own, but actually holds a larger significance in playing with Pokémon. I still wish to keep things under wraps for now and will wait for the best opportunity to discuss them (read: when I've actually "taken the plunge"). As well, some unexpected circumstances may force "taking the plunge" of certain things, still related to Pokémon. I've already identified a couple of them within the past few days and I may update on them if and when they happen.

The action that I took in starting this blog is one that represents a "plunge" into a way that I can express my interest in Pokémon and become more involved with it. It's one grand action, but it doesn't preclude any other smaller and similar actions. In fact, based on the way things go, it might be a precursor to more of them, naturally. I suppose I'm in for "taking more plunges" into other Pokémon opportunities, and I hope that they turn out significant, even enough to be covered on this blog.

One year ago: What's Next?
Two years ago: ...And a Hoppip New Year

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