Tuesday, January 8, 2019

A Pokémon Case Analytic Scenario

As I've mentioned in my post about the Detective Pikachu game, mystery adventures are something that I enjoy outside of Pokémon. Bringing this back into Pokémon results in the aforementioned game, as well as the upcoming movie based on this game. This doesn't stop me from wondering how cases might arise involving Pokémon and how they might be analyzed. Today, I have one possible scenario... or rather, this scenario came to me in a dream last night, something that every so often occurs.

In the dream, I was tasked to find a Floatzel in a neighborhood, which had apparently appeared. There were signs that it appeared at certain times, and I came to this conclusion after consulting with different people. Further, I also determined that the Pokémon came because it was seeking another Pokémon, which was Politoed; anything that apparently looked like a Politoed seemed to be the trigger for the Floatzel to appear. Knowing this, I displayed a silhouette of a Politoed, and indeed the Floatzel came. In the rest of the dream, I tracked the Pokémon with a camera, which also involved an additional interaction with a passing Yanma. This is a remarkable vision that I just had to note down and read over.

What is additionally remarkable about this dream is that I did all the analysis by myself, without the aid of Pikachu as is the norm in the game and the upcoming movie. With my capabilities, it may be something that I can do even now, but it might take extra effort and time. Therefore, the alternative interpretation is that Pikachu was there to guide me, but it was transparently presented in the dream. All the decisions I made and the actions I took to get Floatzel to show up were the results of my own reasoning, but also helped by the insights provided by Pikachu. Either interpretation seems valid enough.

There's still quite a bit of time before the Detective Pikachu movie comes out for me to obtain a copy of the game and play it through, so that I achieve full understanding of the game in preparation for full understanding of the movie. Regardless, I will still enjoy mystery adventures in and out of Pokémon, and yet, having the latter with the former is an excellent thing. Another one may just perhaps present itself to me at some other time through a dream, as the one I had last night did.

One year ago: The Three-Count
Two years ago: On the Subject of Go

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