Friday, January 4, 2019

The Loading Screen of Go

There are a lot of things to like about various Pokémon games. They can be part of the gameplay itself or some other aspects that are still tied to the games. The ones I'm discussing in this post fit into the latter category. I happen to enjoy the loading screen of Pokémon Go, which appears after logging in or directly after the company logos. The reason is that it's attractive, and it changes.

Of course, this wasn't always the case. As I've noted in my post about three food chain axioms, the loading screen originally contained an image of a Trainer walking on a bridge with a Gyarados beside it, appearing as if about to devour the Trainer. This is along with the customary warning to stay alert and the progress bar on the bottom. The illustration was rather simple, but it seemed to get the point across: that the warning on the screen is to be heeded. The exclamation point in a circle only helped to strengthen the message.

Since then, every once in a while, the image has occasionally changed, in particular for a notable occasion. The occasion can be the introduction of a new feature (for example, Research) or a special time of the year (for example, Halloween). In fact, the image just recently changed to celebrate the occasion of the new year. With all the changes, however, the warning and progress bar has remained, though slightly de-emphasized, if I may say. Yet the warning still applies and the progress bar remains an important indicator.

I certainly have my favorite images from all the images that have been presented. The recently added PvP feature was commemorated with an image of two Trainers battling each other, one with an Electivire and the other with a Lucario, and I love the vividness of the image. The New Year image seems to be a continuance of this, featuring the same Trainers and Pokémon - with some additions - looking up at the sky filled with fireworks, some forming "2019" to indicate the new year; this continuance aspect is rather remarkable and likely the first time it has been done. Another one that I like is the one for the 2017 Holiday Event; it mostly features Pokémon, but it's still rather festive. The art team for the images seems to try to do its best to make every image look great, and for that, they have to be thanked.

The Pokémon Go loading screen may be a relatively small part of the game, and one that is quickly forgotten once the actual game loads, but it remains a part of the game nonetheless. For such a small part, it also seems to receive quite a bit of attention with its image being changed every so often. I still like that, and it makes me like the whole game and playing it as much as I do like this small part.

One year ago: Team Assistance and Secrecy
Two years ago: "They can imitate you, but they can't duplicate you..."

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