Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Hoppip New Year 2019

Hoppip New Year! This post marks the entry to the third year of my Pokémon blogging adventure. If the previous two years are of any indication, Pokémon experiences are always abound. It really isn't hard to expect that this year will be the same: that Pokémon experiences will appear in various guises. I'm all for it, of course - it makes me excited to be a part of them, then to write about them here and spread the joy to everyone. This is evidently one purpose of this blog.

Now, while I'm enthusiastic about Pokémon happenings in this year, I'm not so fond of making resolutions... and in fact, I've never been fond of making one, for Pokémon or anything else. I'm sort of a person who "takes things as they go" and deals with things situationally, including Pokémon ones. I do, however, set objectives that I try to fulfill as quickly as possible, which includes things that I do with Pokémon. At least this way I may be able to say that I succeeded somehow.

And then there's that Pokémon in the title of this (customary) post - Hoppip. Its role in the Pokémon games - no matter which ones - is rather small, but it's still one of the hundreds of Pokémon. Today, it just (re)appeared in Pokémon Shuffle in a Pokémon Safari Special Stage, so the timing is rather opportune. Last year, I showed it in Pokémon Go; since then, I've managed to capture many more of it, accumulating enough Candy to evolve it to Skiploom and Jumpluff.

Still, even with this many captured Pokémon of this species, I'll still capture more, in order to build up a sizable Candy stock to power up the ones I already do have or to evolve them all the way to Jumpluff. There may even be a chance of them becoming Lucky when traded, and then there's always the elusive one with maxed-out stats. The possibilities are rather intriguing.

Like last year, I'll be noting posts from the previous year from this point on, with one additional twist: I'll also be noting down posts from two years ago for further reference. There's always something to recall from the past as this blog moves forward to the future, and I dare say it's a trend that will continue. With that, it's time to see just what Pokémon things might unfold this year - I'm sure that quite a few of them will be amazing.

One year ago: Hoppip New Year 2018
Two years ago: First Post Time!

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