Sunday, December 23, 2018

Quick Ball Tin and Pokémon Coin

The second part of the "time trip" which I started in yesterday's post involves merchandise from the present. It happens to be something - actually, two things - that I recently obtained within the past few days. They might be considered as separate merchandise, but since they come as a set, it's worth it to discuss them together and not separately. And for one of them, it might be hard to justify a separate post anyway.

The two things I obtained are a tin container in the shape of a Poké Ball (a Quick Ball, to be precise regarding the ball type), and a Pokémon coin found inside the container. First up is the tin. The tin is indeed ball-shaped, but it's also slightly flattened in the bottom part. The reason is obvious: so that the ball can rest without rolling. The button part of the ball is actually attached to the top part of the ball, and it's only decorative; it's not used to open up the tin, as I found out. The tin is opened by popping off the top part of the ball, which serves as an oversized lid for the ball tin. The coloring of the tin is amazing and is quite vivid, which almost makes me want to throw the ball... but the tin is too precious for that, and the original plastic wrapping for the ball contains a warning exactly not to do so.

That leaves the Pokémon coin. On the obverse side ("heads"), the coin displays Zoroark in a monochromatic image with silver print, which affirms that this side is as such. On the reverse side ("tails"), the coin displays a Poké Ball and the Pokémon logo. The Zoroark image is etched in, while the Poké Ball and Pokémon logo are reliefs. Philosophically, the appearance of Zoroark on the obverse image is somewhat remarkable; Zoroark is known as a tricky Pokémon - it is a Dark-type famous for the Illusion ability - and the tossing of coins, in particular for making decisions, may be linked to tricks, and so the two have some relationship. Personally, I'll take the coin for whatever it's worth.

Now, I mentioned "plastic wrapping" earlier, as well as some wording on it; the merchandise is actually official. In that case, this becomes one of the neatest pieces of merchandise that I own. I'm sure that it's designed to hold a few things that can be used for Pokémon-related gameplay. Its portability aspect is a little lacking, but that might be assisted by bringing it in a bag. At the least, the things that this tin may hold can be kept neat by the use of the tin. What's more, the coin may have a role to play with those things, which means that they are integrated. The prospect of these things is one that may be interesting to be a part of, just as much as the ball tin and coin are themselves interesting.

As for what those things are, that may require a "time trip" in another direction: the future. And for now, it's something that is yet to happen. Nevertheless, this ball tin and the coin is already great for today... which probably means so for the future as well.

One year ago: Perspective

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