Friday, December 28, 2018

Soul-Searching and Pokémon

It has been almost two years since I started this blog, and so I want to discuss another way of how it, Pokémon, and my life could be related. It concerns the concept of soul-searching. This is something that could be considered to be what I've been doing all my life, and with Pokémon, that has become a process of its own. That process then affects how the posts on this blog are written.

Over the course of my life, I've become exposed or exposed myself to different things, Pokémon being one of them. That exposure constitutes the soul-searching: I've gone from one thing to another to see if something is right for me. A lot of things aren't, but a lot of things are, and among those of the latter is Pokémon or things related to it. But from time to time, I always come back to Pokémon from other things. This seems to be a given, considering that there are many posts here that reference things beyond Pokémon.

In that sense, the posts on this blog - at least in part - represent the summation of my Pokémon experiences, among other things. Pokémon is something I know I can always come back to time and time again, and that is what has essentially happened each day that I post something on this blog, which happens to be every day. And though the soul-searching continues, with Pokémon, I have something that guides me to where I belong.

That reminds me of a certain song about soul-searching:

I've been searchin' my soul tonight
I know there's so much more to life
Now I know I can shine a light
Everything gonna be alright
I've been searchin' my soul tonight
Don't want to be alone in life
Now I know I can shine a light
To find my way back home
-- "Searchin' My Soul", Vonda Shepard

This song is really about love, but I don't see why it can't relate to this situation as well. Though life is big, I feel that I have something with me when it comes to Pokémon, and it's something that brings me back to "home". Forget the comedy show that this song is associated with; for me, this song bridges a link to Pokémon.

Still, my soul-searching continues. But for me, it will assuredly lead back to Pokémon somehow. And this blog is one way that shows exactly that - perhaps, even with this very post.

One year ago: From Journal to Blog

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