Wednesday, December 5, 2018

More Weather Boosts for Types?

As I've noted in my post about weather in Pokémon Go, for each different kind of weather, certain types of Pokémon are "boosted". It means that the Pokémon of those certain types appear more often and stronger, even for captures and raids. However, the "boosted" types seem limited, even more so considering the kinds of weather that may be present. This leads to the consideration of having more types boosted for each kind of weather.

The way I see things, there are various issues. There are seven different kinds of weather, and each kind only boosts two to three types of Pokémon; that's only a minor subset of the 18 types of Pokémon. Weather itself is a variable thing, and furthermore, not all kinds of weather appear in every area. In my area, based on observations, I've never seen the Windy, Snow, or Fog weather appear, though there have been times where either the first or last kind could appear, but didn't; meanwhile, a few tens of kilometers away, Windy weather intermittently appears, more so than it does in my area. Further, the Snow weather conceivably only appears in the winter (in areas that experience it), precluding certain freak weather activities. In any case, I and players in my area are practically voided of the chance to have the respective types boosted, unless we travel far beyond and at the right time.

The solution is of course to have more types of Pokémon boosted for each kind of weather. Here's what I propose, based on the issues above:
  • Sunny (Fire, Grass, Ground) + Dragon, Fairy
  • Partly Cloudy (Normal, Rock) + Steel, Flying, Psychic
  • Cloudy (Fairy, Fighting, Poison) + Ghost, Ice
  • Rain (Bug, Electric, Water) + Grass, Dark
  • Windy (Dragon, Flying, Psychic) + Ground, Rock, Bug
  • Snow (Ice, Steel) + Fighting, Water, Electric
  • Fog (Dark, Ghost) + Normal, Fire, Poison
This proposal is based on the consideration that the 18 Pokémon types are more or less distributed across the different kinds of weather, with two or three types each; this is extended to have the 18 types distributed twice across the kinds of weather, resulting in each kind having five types boosted with one kind having six to account for the one remaining type. The proposal is also based on the first four kinds being considered as the "common" weather kinds and the other three as "uncommon" kinds, for which the types boosted in one set are distributed in the other. These are also logically based on certain type weaknesses and some common sense. Done this way, equality is achieved.

Weather is undoubtedly a powerful determinant in Pokémon Go. The way that it is now, it seems it might be uneven due to its effects and certain conditions. Having more types boosted might even things out more and add an element of flexibility, fairness, and equality. It might just help further determine the actions that players can take in order to achieve more things in the game.

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