Sunday, December 2, 2018

Cosplay: Chibi Daisuki! Japan Fest

Ash isn't here, but Red is. Over to him, now.


Hello everyone. So as promised, I made my way to this convention. The title might seem familiar to one that another Trainer visited earlier this year, based on what I've been told. "Chibi" means "little" or "miniature" - also as I've been told - as it's supposed to be a smaller version of that. But from what I saw, it was anything but.

For starters, it was incredibly busy. People came like you wouldn't believe, and it was hard to move about. Even I had trouble moving around to see everything and everyone, and to connect with them all. But that shows something: if they all came, they know to expect good things, and they want to see those too. Plus, the people who hosted this convention are known for good things, so it's hard not to. It's what we all expected.

I of course came for the character parade, which is popular as well. I came with my updated outfit, which I'm sure many people like. As in the preview for my appearance, a long time ago, I came to an event (or maybe a convention) with this outfit, but I wasn't happy with how it looked. This time, I'm rather happy. I even brought Pikachu - one of my most trusted Pokémon - to really show I'm a Trainer. The parade was very long too - there were about 50 characters. Ultimately, the judges could choose only five of the characters they really like, and... I didn't make it this time. It's a bit of a stretch, but I'm sure there will be other times. Everyone was still good, though.

I also met and got together with a few Pokémon figure collectors, the ones that every so often meet and are discussed here. They're lucky that they can reach out to me, and I'm lucky to be able to reach out to them. All of their figures - including some of me, which are real nice - are awesome. I wasn't provided a figure to contribute, but as a live figure myself, I'm pretty glad. Their spirits are awesome too - before the character parade, I was to be on stage with a bag provided for me, but one of them suggested that I use a bag they brought. I had to agree that it looked much better, so I went with their suggestion. It still didn't help to earn a prize. Bag aside, we gave people something to do with Pokémon, and it was fun to watch them do it. We had an incredible time.

Pokémon figures were not the only attraction. There were things that everyone could enjoy. There were games to play, food to eat, and things to buy. That seems OK enough for this one. Today is supposed to be a "miniature", though, so I'm glad there weren't too many more, or it could have been a tight squeeze for all of us. The attractions kept us going, maybe even until I come back.

This convention is supposed to be mini, but I and other people got maxi instead. But no one said that's a bad thing, and I think it's still great. This was the first time I returned with my new outfit, and this is the first time this one is held. Funny how that is. We may be due for some happy returns. Until then.


One year ago: A Beautiful Symphony

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